Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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Amazing Grace is an autobiography by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, first published in 2002, consisted of 44 chapters with roughly 540 pages.

In this autobiography, the author takes the reader back to her beginnings in 1950s Gulf Coast Florida and explores the individuals and experiences that set her on her life-long path of research and discovery. From her first experience with a terrifying “Face at the Window” in childhood, to her eventual meeting with “her Ark”, the reader is swept along by the author’s compelling prose and, at times exquisitely poignant reflections on life and the challenges it presents. As she pursues her remarkable quest for truth that will ultimately lead her to ask perhaps the most profound question of human existence - what is love and does it really exist? - Laura invites the reader to share in the fruits of her labors and the important lessons learned.

This book is no longer in print but is available in its entirety with updates on Cassiopaea website: Amazing Grace.

See also