Part of the Casswiki article series Matrix control system

The Montauk project is said to be a successor of the Philadelphia Experiment. A colorful mythos exists around the activities allegedly carried out by shadowy secret government parties at a former US Air Force base at Montauk Point in Long Island.

The stories are best known through a series of books by David Moon and Preston Nickles and various articles and talks by Al Bielek. These parties are themselves shady and almost certainly disinformation agents. This does not, however, necessarily mean that all they say is false but one should not take their claims too literally either.

The following is a summary of the salient points of the myth:

Ever since the early 1960’s up to 1983, Montauk was the site of secret mind control and hyperdimensional physics research. This research involved anything from former nazi scientists to aliens to occultists. The research started with experiments on the use of microwaves for mind control and the story claims that soon the researchers could cause crime waves, invasions by wild animals and many other effects on the population of a nearby town simply by modulating the microwave output from a radar.

Later, the same researchers constructed the Montauk chair, using which a psychic could materialize objects of thoughts and bring various entities into manifestation from futures and pasts and parallel universes. The Montauk chair was in essence a recorder and amplifier of brain waves coupled to crystals and other exotic technology. Soon the researchers could open space-time tunnels to Mars and other places and explore various futures.

The Montauk boys were a group of mind controlled Aryan looking young men used in these experiments.

At a point in 1983, Duncan Cameroon, the alleged main psychic and operator of the Montauk chair underwent some sort of religious conversion and suddenly realized that the uses of the experiments were in essence evil and that these should be stopped. This he brought to pass by materializing a prehistoric monster who proceeded to wreck the equipment which had brought it to manifestation. This shut down the operations for a period of time.

Duncan Cameroon and his half brother Al Bielek could however not be killed because they were entangled in a time loop involving an interaction between the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk and their disappearance would somehow compromise the consistency of reality itself. Thus it came to pass that they got to tell their wondrous story.

We may study this is a case of disinformation. The Cassiopaeans say that some of the materialization and other experiments indeed took place and that the Philadelphia Experiment was real. However, Bielek and company are so flaky in both their stories and their personal conduct with all who have tried doing business with them around promoting the Montauk mythos that it is hard to take anything they say seriously. The probable situation is that there is a kernel of truth that has been smeared over with such a plenty of wild and ever-shifting allegations that people who take any closer look at the phenomenon are simply repelled by it. Any Montauk literature should be read with this in mind. There is a chance that some part of the mindset or goals or methods of the actual players be seen through the haze but one must be very critical in such researches.

See also