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Shattering the Myths of Darwinism is a book by Richard Milton, originally published in United Kingdom in 1992 as Facts of Life: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, which re-evaluates the Darwinist evolutionary mechanism of the natural selection of genetic mutations.

The blurb on Amazon gives a good overall description of the contents:

Compelling evidence that the most important assumptions on which Darwinism rests are wrong.

The controversial best-seller that sent Oxford University and Nature magazine into a frenzy has at last come to the United States. Shattering the Myths of Darwinism exposes the gaping holes in an ideology that has reigned unchallenged over the scientific world for a century. Darwinism is considered to be hard fact, the only acceptable explanation for the formation of life on Earth, but with keen insight and objectivity Richard Milton reveals that the theory totters atop a shambles of outdated and circumstantial evidence which in any less controversial field would have been questioned long ago.

Sticking to the facts at hand and tackling a vast array of topics, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism offers compelling evidence that the theory of evolution has become an act of faith rather than a functioning science, and that not until the scientific method is applied to it and the right questions are asked will we ever get the true answers to the mystery of life on Earth.

See also