Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment and Mythology

Atlantis may be the most speculated upon idea in prehistory and mythology. The only original documentary reference to a continent of Atlantis and its civilization are contained in Plato’s Timeus and Critias. According to Plato, Atlantis disappeared in a cataclysm 9000 years prior to Plato’s time. Before this cataclysm, the Atlantean invaders had been successfully repelled against great odds by the ancient Athenians. Plato gives a geographical description of the site of Atlantis which has been compared to Crete, Santorini, various places in South America, as well as ambiguous ruins in diverse seabeds.

In Plato’s story, the Atlanteans were close to enslaving all of Europe but were repelled at the last moment by the Athenians. The record of these great deeds survived only in Egyptian archives, which had apparently survived the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis and all but the merest remains of the ancient Athenian civilization. Plato says that these Egyptian archives also held records of several such periodically recurring cataclysms

Plato recounts an oral history where Solon hears from Egyptian priests the forgotten but glorious history of old Athens. It is improbable that Egyptians would accord greater antiquity or heroism to Athens than to themselves. We probably have here a narrative device or exoteric blind but the core of the story may well be valid.

Atlantis occurs in different esoteric teachings as either a formatory period of mankind or as a lost age of high civilization. Accounts are very diverse.

Steiner describes the Atlantean age as being an ancient epoch when the astral and physical world largely interpenetrated, where the Earth was not yet quite solid and where man had a different, less solid bodily form. The veil was not yet drawn between the world between incarnations and the incarnate world and clairvoyant and psychic perception was commonplace.

Edgar Cayce describes Atlantis as a global culture that existed on a physical Earth, with science in advance of the present time, indulging in misuse of power that led to its eventual destruction. The misuse of power included mind control and creation of artificial life forms via genetic manipulation. The Atlanteans were focused on control of the outer and neglected their commensurate spiritual development. They were also factionalized into competing groups. Following the destruction of the mainland of Atlantis various splinter groups settled in other lands, notably Egypt, where they built the pyramids, approximately 12,500 years ago. Soon thereafter, the old science was lost and Atlantis faded into legend.

In the Cassiopaea material, Atlantis is described as a global culture that has survived many cataclysms, the last and final taking place about 12,500 years ago, corresponding with Plato’s account.

Atlantis was global in scope and had technological capabilities substantially in advance of what is in common use today. It is said that they built monuments on the Moon and Mars, used crystals as energy focusers, had working knowledge of hyperdimensional concepts and genetic engineering. In agreement with Plato, some esoteric texts describe Atlantis as predominantly focused on service to self. Plato paints Atlantis as the “evil empire” in his Timeus.

Atlantis continues to cast its karmic shadow today, according to the C’s. For example, the Jewish holocaust of WWII may involve Atlantean karma. Also, the C’s have said that today’s ruling elites plan to “resurrect the Atlantean crystal principle”, referring to massive practice of mass mind control.

Working with the idea of cyclic time, we see the drama of Atlantis replaying in its essential aspects in the present United States push for global hegemony. There may also be a link between the legend of the Trojan war and the war between the Atlanteans and Athenians of which Plato speaks in Timeus. The events are distinct but they may have been mixed in the telling and may be related through archetypes and protagonists. The civilization of Atlantis seems to have left a divided legacy, reflected in the “Circle People” of the North and the “Pyramid People” of the South.

See also