Part of the Casswiki article series Natural science

The Big Bang is the popular name for the emergence of the entire universe of matter and energy from a primal explosion where a point of infinite density, a so-called singularity, exploded and gave rise to all of what we consider to be the universe.

The idea of the big bang was first conceived when spectroscopic observations of stars in remote galaxies showed the same absorption patterns as closer stars but shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. In other words, it looks as if the remote galaxies are moving away from the observer. This effect is seen no matter in what direction one looks and the effect is generally proportional to the distance. The farther the object is, the faster it is receding. Some mysterious force seems to be causing space to expand.

There is no theoretically satisfying model for explaining this expansion and there exist various anomalies which would contradict the very existence of this expansion but the prevalent astronomical view is that the expansion indeed is a reality. Over the decades, Hubble’s constant, the figure that would predict the velocity of a remote object in function of its distance, has been measured many times but different methods yield different results and the matter is not entirely clear cut.

As seen from Earth, the universe looks remarkably isotropic, i.e. the same in all directions. There exists a so-called microwave background radiation, which is thought to be an ‘echo’ of the big bang and it seems to be coming from every direction at equal intensity. Different theories have been proposed to account for the smooth distribution of this background noise, as well as the smooth distribution of visible matter.

Another concept which we must mention here is so-called dark matter. It appears that the mass that is visible in stars and visible dust clouds is insufficient to account for the amount of gravity that seems to be holding the universe together. If the universe had a sufficient density of mass, then the gravitational pull of this mass would in time stop its expansion and reverse the big bang and pull all matter back together into a big crunch. On the other hand, if the density were insufficient, the universe would expand indefinitely under its present momentum. The density of the speculative dark matter holds the balance here. By most estimates, about 80-90 percent of the mass of the universe seems to be in the form of dark matter.

The notion of inflation has been proposed to account for the apparently smooth distribution of matter in the visible universe. To understand this, we may think of the laws of physics taking shape as the young universe expanded and cooled from the infinitely hot and dense stuff erupting from the singularity. As the primal matter and energy cooled, it became differentiated and the four basic forces emerged as distinct laws, eventually getting the form in which we know them. The first to differentiate were the strong and weak nuclear forces, followed by electromagnetic force and lastly gravity. This process is called the breaking of symmetry. The breaking of symmetry is a probabilistic quantum phenomenon. Before the breaking, matter is in a different mode, subject to different laws than before. As matter cools, the probability of the breaking increases but whether the breaking takes place is always a question of probabilities. Once the breaking takes place at a point, the area of broken symmetry will expand, forming a bubble where the symmetry is broken. Such bubbles would then form bubbles of ‘ordinary space-time and matter’ in the midst of a sea of unordinary space-time and matter. Inflationary cosmology posits that at a certain stage preceding the emergence of ordinary spacetime and matter, the proto-matter is subject to an extremely powerful force of expansion, pushing itself outward, creating itself from nothing, expanding at an extreme and accelerating rate. Speaking of a rate of expansion is difficult since time and space as we know them are not really defined at this stage. Bubbles of normal ” space-time emerge from the inflationary matter by a random process, becoming like bubbles in a torrent expanding in all directions. Our visible universe would be one such bubble.

An interesting development from the inflationary idea is the proposition that the inflationary foam is infinite but the age and size of any bubble of normal space-time is finite. Thus there would be infinitely many large but finite bubbles in an infinite sea. Each bubble has, subject to the limits of measurement imposed by quantum non-determinism, a finite, albeit large number of possible histories. With infinitely many bubbles and a finite number of finite histories, each physically possible history would in fact occur infinitely many times in the infinite sea of all bubbles.

There are many propositions for the causes of the big bang itself. One idea is that there exist many universes of 3 space and 1 time dimensions floating in a higher dimensional meta-universe, a bit like sheets of paper would float in the air. Sometimes these will touch which may result in anomalous effects such as creation of matter and energy. If this contact occurred in many places, there would actually be multiple little big bangs, which also could account for the regular distribution of matter.‘

Another idea is the notion that the universe was a sea of virtual particles constantly popping out of the background, annihilating and returning into the zero-point sea. This is what is called the “[zero-point field](zero-point energy)“. Due to its stochastic nature, given infinite time, it came to pass the extremely improbable event that all waves did not balance out and all particles did not meet with their antiparticles and that there thus was formed ‘something’ out of ‘nothing.’ Such an event is called quantum tunneling. The term refers to a transition from one state to another based on probability and without intermediate stages. Since such an event would involve measurement, consciousness enters into the picture also.

From the esoteric angle, we may easily imagine that the notions of logos or one creator could be seen to be materially reflected in the idea of the big bang. The Pope has even endorsed the big bang as a proof of the universe’s created status.

We may connect these ideas to many of the notions expressed in the Cassiopaea and traditional material. The ray of creation branching out from the Sun Absolute, forming the galactic, stellar, planetary, terrestrial and finally satellite worlds, along with organic life in the middle, fairly well corresponds to the general idea of mass coalescing and differentiating out of an undifferentiated sea.

The idea of quantum tunneling is not only linked to the big bang but also to the Wave. We propose that consciousness may influence such effects, also at a local scale and thus consciousness may tunnel between worlds if the fabric of the universe is in a suitable state of flux.

The Cassiopaeans have said that all which can be expressed likely exists in some universe. The inflationary model of infinite repetitions of all possible histories essentially amounts to this, now coming from an entirely different angle. To make this practically meaningful, we must however posit the possibility of communication between these universes. We cannot speak of space travel since the idea of space is not even defined between the bubbles but we may posit a coordinate system where similarity is a metric of distance and consciousness anchors the observer to the observed universe. These ideas are discussed in more detail in the Wave and other articles.

The question of why there exist laws of physics to begin with is linked to the idea of the big bang. Furthermore, it is puzzling why these laws of physics would be conducive to biological life, of all things. The anthropic principle turns this question upside down and simply states that the reason why we pose the question is the fact that the laws are suitable for life, for if they were not we would not be asking. Thus only such universes where life can occur will be seen by life and speculating about ones where life cannot occur is a mute point. This is a sort of counter-argument to the idea of intelligent creation.

The Cassiopaean material’s take on the existence of anything as opposed to nothing is the notion that consciousness is the only and primary thing that is and that all life and matter and energy exist because somebody is looking. It is as if the conscious universe perceiving itself from the vantage point of seventh density, from outside of space and time, created all forms, including laws of physics, from moment to moment. The notion of seventh density as a source of all may be roughly likened to the big bang. The increasing scale and complexity of the laws of physics, as these are formed in the cooling universe by breaking of symmetry could be likened to the notion of densities or levels of the ray of creation, where this creation becomes increasingly determined and mechanical. These comparisons are however very approximate and we cannot here speak of temporal or spatial relationships because the very notions of space and time are the ones being formed. We can however roughly speak of worlds enveloping worlds.

The Cassiopaeans say that gravity is the binder of all which exists. Astronomy does not know of enough matter to account for the gravity being observed and hence has come up with various theories of dark matter. Physicists have wondered about the relative weakness of gravity in comparison with EM and nuclear forces. Some have proposed that most of the force of gravity is dissipated along dimensions other than the 3 space dimensions, for example in binding parallel universes together. The Cassiopaeans and Ra have suggested that consciousness itself have gravity, in fact the higher the density of consciousness, the more the consciousness has to do with gravity. We could speculatively link the densities of the C’s to the idea of dark matter. Also the apparent ‘negative gravity’ force pushing the expansion of the universe and on the other hand the concentration of gravity in black holes could be seen as a physical reflection of the principles of service to others and service to self, i.e. dispersion and collection of gravity. Such comparisons are speculative but do indicate that the understandings of metaphysical sources and natural science are not incompatible. What is certain is that there is a mystery around gravity and the ‘missing mass.‘

See also