The Prayer of the Soul (PotS) is the centerpiece of the Éiriú Eolas Program, which consists of affirmations that enter deeply into the subconscious and trigger deep body and soul level healing and rejuvenation.

The Prayer of the Soul was a modified form of the “Lord’s Prayer” as written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk:


Oh, Divine Cosmic Mind

Holy Awareness in All Creation

Carried in the heart

Ruler of the mind

Savior of the Soul

Live in me today

Be my Daily Bread

As I give bread to others

Help me grow in knowledge

Of All Creation

Clear my eyes

That I may See

Clear my ears

That I may hear

Cleanse my heart

That I may know and love

The Holiness of True Existence

Divine Cosmic Mind

As Laura wrote on the Forum:


“…it was Objective.

All of that is intentional.

As I said, I started with the Lord’s Prayer and basically “translated” it into total cosmic terms, including every single element that is in the Lord’s Prayer. If you read it carefully and contemplate the meaning behind every phrase, you will see that.

Also, I am convinced that this prayer was not composed/modified without assistance from the Cs. As I have many times explained, very often when I have a burning question inside and I ponder it for awhile, the answers come to me. I don’t always have to use the board for that! (Though for most things I prefer it because it is less prone to corruption - even if I think that we have a pretty robust “corruption meter” going on anyway.)

So, over time, I asked the Universe to help me “translate” the Lord’s Prayer into something that would be Universal in every respect, and you have the result.

Please, read it line by line and think about it from every angle, every aspect. Try to think about some part of your existence that it does NOT cover. I don’t think you will find any.

Finally, one thing that was uppermost in my mind was this: “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you.”

If you understand the “kingdom of heaven” as knowledge/awareness/being then you will see that the prayer deals with exactly that. I am also reminded of a story in 1 Kings 3:5 where God appears to Solomon and says: “Ask for whatever you want and I will give it to you.” Solomon thought about this and finally asked God to give him an “understanding heart.” In other words, he asked for wisdom/knowledge, the ability to see and hear truth so that he could be a good king.

So, God gave Solomon an understanding heart AND all the things he did not ask for…riches, power and honor and so on.

When we have true knowledge and awareness, when we have BEing, we are allowing the Universe to express itself through us in its mode of knowledge, awareness and BEing. If you think about this for a moment, knowledge and awareness and BEing include, by default, being in synch with life and creativity and creation itself.

If you have knowledge and awareness and BEing, no matter where you are or what is happening, you are in the right place at the right time; you will see what you need to see, hear what you need to hear, meet who you need to meet, and have what you need to have. All of that is included in “seek ye first the kingdom of heaven.”

Seeking knowledge of all creation is learning to express the Universe in it’s aspect of knowledge and when you do that, you are expressing unlimited potential.

This is what you receive when you ask for an “understanding heart.”

With an understanding heart we also experience compassion and love. We also experience gratitude and inspiration and most important of all, trust in the Universe to know what it is doing and to submit ourselves to our true, higher nature - that which can be born in us if we die to the personal wants, needs, assumptions, expectations, and so on.

So, again, go over that prayer and explain to me ONE thing that you would lack in your life if all that prayer asks was granted to you.

”What profits a man if he gain the entire world and lose his soul?”

It is, after all, the Prayer of the Soul.”

Further readings

See also