The Cassiopaeans and many other channeled sources state that “all is one and one is all”. This is found in religion in places like Genesis and the beginning of the Gospel of John:

1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

This apparently simple statement has multiple aspects.

Cosmologically, if all originates in a singularity, we could say that all is a product of an undifferentiated One. Most systems of metaphysics recognize something of the sort.

Creation is God experiencing itself, say the Sufis. God was a hidden treasure and wanted to be known, but for knowledge there had to be knower and known. Thus the One divided into creation, giving rise to spirit and matter, orientations of service to others and service to self, [involution and evolution](Involution vs. evolution), and so forth.

The Cassiopaeans link the idea to consciousness and everyone’s joint access to all which is:

A: All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an “Illusion.” Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is “fun” to see how much you can access. […] Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.

A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else?

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one.

A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.’ [End quote]

Application and orientation of service

We can speak of two distinct applications of ‘all is one.’ The expansive or service to others application would be to say that since all already is one, there is no point in wanting what another has for the self since in a sense this already exists within the one. Instead one may create something to enhance the creation, thus naturally contributing and adding to the One, thereby also giving to others.

By contrast, the service to self application of the idea is to see all as a lost part of the self which must be forced to return to the self. The One is served by gathering all to the self and thus to the One.

Confusion of levels of reality

The problem with the idea of all being one is that it is sometimes naively applied to human matters, as if the human could assume God’s perspective. So, even if “the All blinks neither at the light nor the dark” (as Ra says) this does in no way free man from having to make ethical determinations and act on them.

The New Age sometimes misapplies the idea that ‘all is one’ to justify inaction or indifference as being spiritual when precisely the opposite is the case. See discussion of polarity or [harvestability](Graduation to fourth density) for more on this.

Another common misapplication of the idea is the New Age thought that one may accede to the unity of all things just by imagining it. At the human level, it seems the application of all is one is realized by actively participating and studying all which is, as objectively as possible. This may actually link the student to the world of all which is, whereas seeking bliss and experiences may only create an insulating bubble of [wishfulness](Wishful thinking) and subjectivity.

In the New Age, the misapplication of ‘all is one’ often goes hand in hand with the misapplication of the idea that “you create your own reality”.

See also