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The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind – Church of Revived PaleoChristianity (FOTCM) was founded in September 2009 as a nonprofit religious corporation.


The incorporation was undertaken in order to establish and maintain a Fellowship whose purpose is to learn to be truly Christ-like in our daily living by actualizing ancient principles of PaleoChristian Techno-Spirituality retrieved and reconstituted by both diligent study and inspiration; to be a fellowship that nurtures members through sound Mystical Science to grow in knowledge, consciousness, and conscience so as to fully know and actualize True Existence in relationship with the Cosmos; to be a Fellowship that ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and world in the name of PaleoChrist-Consciousness as originally revealed to humankind in past aeons; in short, to endeavor to restore humankind to its naturally beneficial and benevolent relationship with all levels of the Cosmos via PaleoChristianity, including publishing and disseminating information in all media for this purpose.

Membership in the Fellowship is accomplished by filling out an Application for Membership and agreeing to adhere to the Fellowship’s Statement of Principles. Despite its recent birth, the Fellowship has already been inundated with applications for membership from people all over the world.

Much of humanity is tired of being told what to believe and how to think. The Fellowship strives to teach and share techniques to scientifically detoxify body, mind, and spirit in such a way that the ability to truly think for oneself and act with one’s entire being is restored. Through this process, the increasing recognition of objective truth in a subjective and chaotic world becomes possible.

Who We Are

We are a group pursuing knowledge without the element of self-interest in a spirit of good will and cooperation. We have and continue to research the mysteries of life and the universe, quest to understand the human condition, look for all indications of what explains it, and explore how it can be improved. We hold no dogmas and work with principles that are open to examination and questioning, making all efforts to increase our understanding and share our discoveries.

We have agreed to further our aims by dedicating ourselves to the universal values of Free Will and Truth. A diverse group of individuals voluntarily networking and sharing knowledge in pursuit of an ever closer relationship with Truth, we refuse to impose any belief system on anyone as we refuse to have belief systems imposed upon us. To know and not be satisfied to believe is an essential part of our quest. We distinguish between Faith and belief. To learn more about our worldview, please read our Statement of Principles.

Many years of experience and constructive activity involving a large group from diverse backgrounds participating in research and networking have given us the practical know-how of working in a group setting to foster the growth and development of all. We welcome all who seek truth in any endeavor and sincerely want to share the fruits of these pursuits with others.

Finally, we offer to protect and nurture a growing community committed to the genuine pursuit of spiritual and scientific freedom.

Among the Fellowship’s goals:

  • To teach scientific and proven techniques to detoxify the body, mind, and spirit
  • To provide a framework whereby PaleoChristian communities of various types can form and thrive
  • To increase awareness of – and to minimize the detrimental effects of – deviant, pathological, and/or psychopathic individuals and organizations
  • To protect members’ rights from legal attacks by pathological deviants
  • To restore humankind to its natural state of peace, truth, and benevolence

Further readings

See also