Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

The Cassiopaean material discusses anticipation in relation to following one’s path or interacting with reality at large. There two sides to the discussion: the first is that one should always anticipate attack in order to avoid problems by preparation; the second is that one should not be fixated on any particular imagined outcome of one’s creative efforts or intent, because such fixation or anticipation restricts the ‘creative flow.‘

This is the closest the Cassiopaeans come to discussing the idea that ‘you create your own reality’, or ‘YCYOR’.

Intent can invite realization, but anticipation of any particular realization metaphysically nullifies the intent. This relates to the distinction between service to others and service to self. Anticipation is expecting the self to be confirmed, expecting to bend the Universe to one’s will and thus falls on the side of the service to self principle. Intent is non-personal and can be generally creative in the service to others sense. Anticipation does however have its uses in a world of service to self, but this use is for the service to others candidate principally in predicting and blocking possible foreseeable difficulties. This takes the form of simple physical or mental preparedness.

An alternative formulation of the idea could be that if one thinks one must have more money, the idea of having more money is projected into the future and the idea of not having enough money is asserted for the present. In the reverse, if one thinks one could get mugged and therefore avoids the side alley after dark, one asserts that one could be mugged in the future and is safe in the present and to give this idea physical expression even avoids places where muggings are the most common. If any part of mind really influences reality by metaphysically attracting events, it is not the conscious wishing part. If this part has effect on reality, the effect is rather in selecting what is an appropriate perception, hence blocking much information that would otherwise be available. This too has a survival oriented role but it is overexpressed in people who will only accept that which conforms to their assumptions or anticipations.

Another way of thinking about this would be the idea that ignoring something is an invitation for experientially learning this something. This is generally so in the case of ignoring warnings of impending danger. The ‘all giving Universe’ responds by allowing one to experience the danger.

We could say that uses of anticipation are defensive and rooted in knowledge of possible dangers. Anticipation can also be used in a controlling sense when people make precise plans about carrying out a project that has little to do with openness to the ‘creative principle.’ Such activity is mostly concerned with meeting external requirements or getting confirmation for oneself being in control.

Having internal discipline is a somewhat different matter. Discipline implies staying the course and being consistent, while not “anticipating” specific outside effects as a result of merely expecting them.

The greatest creative contribution in the service to others mode can be realized in a state of not anticipating outcomes or effects while expressing one’s fundamental nature or gift. Much work may be required to properly know this gift and where its use is appropriate. It is not a simple process of self-expression, as it includes doing this in accordance with objective reality. [Openness to reality](Belief vs. faith) is what makes constructive and non-restricting response possible. Without this objectivity and state of non-assumption one is again forcing one’s interpretation, even if unconsciously, on reality.

Acting completely on behalf of universal principles and on an unbiased perception of reality, without any desire for the self is vanishingly rare. Still, combining intent with accurate perception can lead one to entirely unexpected openings and synchronicities. Placing too many restrictions on what are acceptable openings may simply lead one to miss them. This is more a manifestation of obsession than objective seeing.

This idea is tied to the adage that knowledge protects. Knowledge of risks makes preparing for them possible and may offer some psychic protection as well. Obsession with specific results is not knowledge, for it imposes one’s subjectivity on the world and thus does not protect, but rather blinds one to reality and leaves one open to dangers. Thus flexibility and objective perception are key.