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Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes is an essential book by Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski (Andrew Łobaczewski), published in 2006 by Red Pill Press(RPP).

Political Ponerology is a study of the founders and supporters of oppressive political regimes. Łobaczewski’s approach analyzes the common factors that lead to the propagation of man’s inhumanity to man. Morality and humanism cannot long withstand the predations of this evil. Knowledge of its nature – and its insidious effect on both individuals and groups - is the only antidote.

The author lived and studied the nature of psychopathy under the harsh condition of the Soviet Union control. The original manuscript of this work went into the fire minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the author, but its publication was blocked by Zbigniew Brzezinski. It wasn’t published until 2006 after the author made contact with Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Quantum Future Group (QFG).

Ponerology and Psychopathy

The term “ponerology” came from the Greek word, poneros, meaning “evil” and the ponerology basically means a theology study or research on the nature of evil.[1] In the case for the term “Political Ponerology”, it is a science discipline or study on the nature of evil within the political world. It is because of this arisen (yet suppressed) discipline that we would learn of the pathocratic rule is played out in both the past and today’s world governments. It is because of this new discipline that we come to a realization of the truth; the truth that there is evil within our governments to this day. It is because of this discipline that we come to know the new term of “Macrosocial Evil”, which is a large scale evil that is in control of societies and nations, “and has done so again and again since time immemorial”.[2]

As one knows, a psychopath is a person without conscience and without remorse. That is, in itself, a frightening thought. It is someone who can do anything at all to achieve their goals or desires. And, they see normal people as simple pawns in their games. Not all psychopaths are branded ‘criminals’ in the eyes of the law or sitting in jail cells. As one will discover when reading Political Ponerology, they became the law. According to Knight-Jadczyk in the editor’s preface of this book:[3]

“Whether you know it or not, each and every day your life is touched by the effects of psychopathy on our world. You are about to learn that even if there isn’t much we can do about geological and cosmological catastrophe, there is a lot we can do about social and Macrosocial evil, and the very first thing to do is to learn about it. In the case of psychopathy and its effects on our world, what you don’t know definitely can and will hurt you.”

It is best for one to deeply learn about the psychopathy in general because, in Łobaczewski’s work, one will see the traits of psychopaths match the traits to some of our today’s leaders.

How normal people are being affected by the pathocratic rule

Łobaczewski has devoted an entire chapter on the normal people under pathocratic rule. There are two main issues that needed to be pointed out from this chapter: the intelligent individuals being targeted by psychopaths and the normal people under control.

Over time, the psychopaths who ruled nations or societies tend to indirectly destroy or eliminate individuals who have high level of intelligence as first order of business if those individuals did not join them. Łobaczewski stated that “only those people with the highest degree of intelligence, which […] does not accompany psychopathies, are unable to find meaning to life within such a system”.[4] These individuals would have great difficulty living under pathocratic rule, and they would discover the harsh truth about those who rules. It is those intelligent individuals who would be able to use their knowledge and skills to help others to fight off an “unseen” control of psychopaths.

The psychopathic leaders see any highly intelligent individuals as a threat if these individuals would be able to pass on the right information to the right people. With the elimination of such individuals, the normal people (or common individuals) would not become aware of such pathocratic rule being played out or being aware that they are currently being controlled by psychopaths under the disguise of freedom and democracy. They only see what was being brought to them, such as a controlled media. It is reasonable to assume that these psychopathic rulers do not want the normal people to know of their true nature.

To sum it up, Łobaczewski pointed out that:[5]

“Pathocratic leadership believes that it can achieve a state wherein those “other” people’s minds become dependent by means of the effects of their personality, perfidious pedagogical means, the means of mass-disinformation, and psychological terror; such faith has a basic meaning for them. In their conceptual world, pathocrats consider it virtually self-evident that the “others” should accept their obvious, realistic, and simple way of apprehending reality. For some mysterious reason, though, the “others” wriggle out, slither away, and tell each other jokes about pathocrats. Someone must be responsible for this: pre-revolutionary oldsters, or some radio stations abroad. It thus becomes necessary to improve the methodology of action, find better “soul engineers” with a certain literary talent, and isolate society from improper literature and any foreign influence. Those experiences and intuitions whispering that this is a Sisyphean labor must be repressed from the field of consciousness of the pathocrats.”

Normal people wanted a simple life and a simple understanding of their reality and their world that they live in. It is safe to say that psychopaths are taking an advantage of these simple-minded people and took whatever means necessary to keep the people in the state of ignorance. If people wanted to acquire information, the information sensitive enough for the pathocrats, then a source of disinformation would be given to them. It would be the expectation of the pathocrats to see the normal people believing the disinformation and would “finally” stop asking for more.

The intelligent individuals know how to discern the information, to tell the difference between the truth, the twisted truth, and the lies, which is why the pathocrats wanted to dispose of them. And, the pathocratic leaders do not want the normal people to discover how to discern between the disinformation and the true information. For the pathocrats, it is better for the normal people to be kept in a controlled environment.

Why Political Ponerology is important and how it would help the humanity

There are three points to stress out why Łobaczewski’s Political Ponerology would be highly important and recommended for the readers.

The first is the importance of the data and research in this book. As the publisher (RPP), with caution, pointed out:[6]

“When the first edition of this book was published in April of 2006, it was understood that it might very well create a backlash. The depiction of the ways and means by which pathological figures take over and undermine the social structures of normal people found within its pages contained too much accurate clinical data to escape attention from ‘interested parties’ who are “ideationally alert” in regard to these matters […] The author, having been subjected to arrests and then exile from his native Poland, traveled to the US in the 1980s and found that American authorities were equally resistant to the thesis of his book.”

Since this book is not officially “banned” in the United States, it was not “promoted” by the national or international publishers. It was found that the information lies within this book contains the truth of our governments being controlled by the pathocrats, and it would appeared that the respected publishers may have “rejected” this book in fear of having their companies “shut down” in the mysterious ways.

The second point is best stressed by Knight-Jadczyk in the editor’s preface:[7]

“The book…is going to give you answers to many of the questions about Evil in our world. This book is not just about macrosocial evil, it is also about everyday evil, because, in a very real sense, the two are inseparable. The long term accumulation of everyday evil always and inevitably leads to Grand Systemic Evil that destroys more innocent people than any other phenomenon on this planet.”

If one wanted to be safe and do not have the basic working knowledge of the nature of evil in the lands of “near and far,” one is in ignorance and would likely to fall under the control of one such evil ruler. It is best to know about the evil in order to protect oneself. Łobaczewski’s work will provide that basic working knowledge, and it is this book that would help save humanity from falling into a pathocratic hell and restore the humanity back to its proper path.

The final point is, with this book as a tool and a guide, the readers would be able to identify each pathological individual and understand them as a “separate case”, as Łobaczewski has done.[8] Since Łobaczewski has focused on a macro scale of phenomenon of psychopaths in this book, it is recommended for the readers to study other works that discussed with certain aspects of this phenomenon, such as:

With these works, in addition to Political Ponerology, one will have a basic working knowledge of the phenomenon of psychopaths in our world and one can see the “unseen” within our world governments.

Further readings

See also


  1. Łobaczewski, Andrew M. Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, p. 71. Grande Praire: Red Pill Press, 2006.
  2. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 7.
  3. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 9.
  4. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 168.
  5. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 164.
  6. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 221.
  7. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 9.
  8. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 222.