Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is a book by Naomi Klein, published in 2007, which explains the origins and objectives of “disaster capitalism” and reveals the systematic practice of how populations, first rendered vulnerable by means of traumatic shock, are then exploited for the sake of pathological greed.

Consisting of an introduction, a conclusion, a body text divided into seven parts with a total of 21 chapters, this book demostrates how United State’s “free market” policies dominated the world by exploiting disaster-shocked people and countries.

Also, it is recommended to view a documentary giving an abridged coverage of this work: YouTube: The Shock Doctrine Documentary. Along with this book and the documentary, one is enouraged to read The Paranoia Switch, which examines the neurology and psychology of this “limbic warfare” used by psychopaths to shock and bring populations under their control.

See also