Part of the Casswiki article series High strangeness, Matrix control system and Politics and pathocracy

The UFO phenomenon is most likely a trans-millennial situation involving interaction with non-human intelligences. The intrusion of the other-worldly seems to shape itself and to be mythicized according to the time’s and culture’s norms and beliefs. On the other hand, these same myths and beliefs are at least in part inspired by this same phenomenon.

The modern phase of the phenomenon started in the 1940’s, first as “ghost rockets” and “foo fighters” in WW II, then various sightings of “flying saucers” in the US and elsewhere. The alleged crash of one such at Roswell, NM followed in 1947. Stories of abductions of humans by UFO’s started in broader circulation with the Barney and Betty Hill case from 1961.

Cattle mutilations became widespread in the US West in the 1970’s and have continued on and off since. Cattle mutilations are often accompanied by UFO sightings and exhibit other strange features, i.e. lack of blood in the carcasses, scavengers refusing to eat them, no tracks or signs of battle, surgically precise cuts etc. The abduction phenomenon was further popularized by Whitley Strieber’s best selling book Communion in the early 1980’s. Ever since, a growing number of abduction reports have been circulating involving the so-called gray aliens.

The specifics of the history, types of UFO’s, different descriptions of their occupants etc. are abundantly documented elsewhere. We will here take a more general view on the phenomenon and the cultural response it has generated.

As extensively documented by Richard Dolan in UFOs and the National Security State, the phenomenon has undeniably attracted immediate interest in the inner circles of the military, government and intelligence communities. The initial strategy was of blanket denial, thereafter of fake investigation and sometimes inept debunkery. This was succeeded and continues to be succeeded to this day by cointelpro-type activities directed against any independent groups working on objective investigation or disclosure.

In parallel with official denial, we see the UFO theme being mythicized and fictionalized, as in movies like ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. There are also TV documentaries playing with the question. It appears that since the UFO phenomenon cannot be strictly kept under the lid, since the UFO’s themselves will appear to the public without asking permission, it must be played down and the issue must be muddied and confused. The operative principle appears to create an association of the UFO reality with known works of fiction, so as to make the concepts on one hand familiar and on the other not quite real.

We can make several observations based on what we know of the history of the phenomenon:

The UFO phenomenon defies human common sense. The actions of the occupants are often absurd. The people who report these contacts essentially never derive any benefit from this for themselves and are sometimes variously harmed. The pattern of the activity is not consistent with reconnaissance for a takeover, for example, since such could be carried out from a distance without attracting attention. The idea of the UFO occupants doing research is also hard to justify: Why would such an amount of activity be required, often repeating the precise same abduction procedure?

Jacques Vallee was one of the most insightful of the early UFO researchers. He proposed that the UFO phenomenon be a control system acting from a hyperdimensional state of existence, capable of altering perception and to some degree space and time. This is suggested by reports of objects blinking in and out of existence, seamlessly merging, changing shapes etc. We do not seem to be dealing with spaceships put together with nuts and bolts, neither are these entirely non-physical.

Vallee’s main arguments are: There is a phenomenon which can be divided into 1. physical, 2. perception by the observer and 3. effect on culture. Of the physical, the only near certain aspect is concentration of large amounts of electromagnetic energy in a small space and presence of weird EM effects. Physical traces, such as what is left at landing sites may not bear any rational relation to what was observed. On the side of the perceiver, the same event may be reported very differently by different observers. The phenomenon plays with perception, and takes over the minds and bodies of the participants for a duration, to a lesser or greater degree. We cannot know if the sensations correspond to physical reality as we understand it. At the social end, the UFO’s form a whole with entities of mythology throughout the ages and seem to be a control system which somehow guides man’s collective imagination.

From the FOTCM’s perspective, most of the UFO phenomenon amounts to the activity of fourth density service to self entities. Their goals are various, including abduction for genetical manipulation and hybridization or for implanting devices for remote tracking or control of individuals of interest. This interference is an escalation of millennia long manipulations, among whose effects we have the launching of the major monotheistic religions and social control through fomenting wars between them. Not nearly all events are directly influenced by the control system but the control system gives man his myths and working models which he then implements, most often to his own detriment.

Laura Knight Jadczyk has written extensively on this in her book High Strangeness and her The Wave Series books.

Further reading

See also