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Main topics

Below are the main topics of the wiki. From each of them, you can in turn reach its subtopics.

  • Abbreviations (Abbreviations commonly used in online discussion, either on the Internet at large, or more particularly by the FOTCM and related groups. Some of them may appear in article text, or in quoted content included in them.)
  • Books (Books on different topics, and recommended reading.)
  • Cassiopaean Experiment (The name coined for Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s experiment with critical channeling. The channeled material which this experiment has led to is used as a source of inspiration for research, and the larger process of inquiry is inseparable from the Cassiopaean Experiment.)
  • Channeling and channeled material (To channel is to serve as a medium through which an entity communicates with living persons. Some channeled material can be verified to be true, but most can not – and plenty can be verified to be either false or meaningless word salad. The best channeled material can give valuable inspiration for critical-minded research – while most of it can grossly mislead. There are many concepts conveyed through channeling to examine.)
  • Esoterica (Esoteric matters that don’t fit specifically into any of the other main topics.)
  • Fourth Way (A body of teaching on the possible spiritual development of man, introduced to the Western culture by George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff in the first half of the 20th century.)
  • Health and wellness (The state of our body not only affects our physical capabilities, but also our emotional health and intellectual ability; and conversely, our emotional health affects our physical health along with our thinking. This is one of the most important topics for anyone seeking to work on him- or herself or to be healthy and well in our all too sick world.)
  • High strangeness (High strangeness refers to a global phenomenon so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought, which it carries with it many implications of the existence of intelligences other than our own.)
  • History
  • Matrix control system (A metaphorical description of present day Earth reality, by analogy with several concepts from the 1999 movie hit The Matrix.)
  • Movies and TV series (Movies – fiction and non-fiction alike – on different topics, and recommended watching. Occasionally, a TV series may also fall into this category.)
  • Mythology
  • Natural science
  • New Age (In popular usage, New Age refers to a whole suite of spiritual or religious beliefs, in large part revived from prior tradition or in some cases based on new channeled information from a multiplicity of sources. The New Age is like a supermarket of spirituality geared towards subjectivity,)
  • Politics and pathocracy (The entire Western world, and its sphere of influence as extended through globalization, comprise a pathocracy. That is, psychopaths are in positions of power, and politics is almost entirely a managed show where nothing of large-scale importance is decided by the people.)
  • Ponerology and psychopathy (Ponerology is the scientific study of evil and its genesis, and its most important finding is that psychopaths play a main role in causing the suffering and inhumanity seen in the world at present and throughout history. Psychopaths lack empathy and conscience and the ability to ever develop them. Often charming and convincing, they act as intraspecies predators – preying on others in the interest of their own greed for power, status, money, and pleasure.)
  • Psychology (The study of how individuals and groups function, in terms of mind, emotion, behavior, interaction and relationships, brain functions, etc. It is essential to understanding ourselves and others, and how best to achieve what we value.)
  • Religion
  • Shamanism and archaic esotericism

Alphabetical index

  • 200 conscious beings (George Gurdjieff said that 200 people belonging to the esoteric circle of humanity could greatly change the world if they so chose.)
  • 2012 (The year 2012 was popularly cited as the time of a planet wide change to some sort of new level or mode of existence. Connected with one particular interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the idea spread throughout New Age circles and into pop culture.)
  • Abbreviations (Abbreviations commonly used in online discussion, either on the Internet at large, or more particularly by the FOTCM and related groups. Some of them may appear in article text, or in quoted content included in them.)
  • Adamic man (A human being who has an individuated soul.)
  • Agents (Individuals who either deliberately or unconsciously seek to derail the efforts of another towards spiritual progress or towards fulfillment of a personal mission.)
  • Aim (In order to make progress in the Work, one must have an aim.)
  • Akashic records (A sort of cosmic memory of all which has been.)
  • Alans (The Alans were a tribe from the Caucasus and possibly Northern Iran who may have brought the original elements of the Grail mythos to Western Europe.)
  • Alchemical terminology (Alchemists hid their esoteric work under various obscure terms and expressions due to some zealous persecution and a little jealous secrecy over the ages.)
  • Alchemy (Defined as an allegorical description of the human chemical factory and it’s work in transforming coarse substances (base metals) into finer ones (precious ones))
  • Alien abduction (A phenomenon probably as old as history, but which acquired its modern form in the 1960s.)
  • Aliens (Various alien types encountered in UFO reports and/or discussed in the Cassiopaean and related material.)
  • Alignment (A person’s or group’s relationship to an archetype or thought center, in terms of manifesting it.)
  • All and Everything (Ten books in three series by G. I. Gurdjieff)
  • All is one (The Cassiopaeans and many other channeled sources state that ‘all is one and one is all.’ This idea is also found in various religious writing. The idea is however sometimes naively applied to matters at the human level of experience. The New Age approach of trying to ‘see all as one’ in order to influence reality is a case in point.)
  • All to those who ask (A service to others being gives all to those who ask. This leads to the question of what is meant by giving and by asking and who truly are the parties of the exchange.)
  • Analogy of the coach (The horse-drawn coach is used as a metaphor for the human being.)
  • Angel (The term angel is used in a wide variety of meanings in different contexts. Generally the term means a spiritual, non-physical being that belongs to some spiritual hierarchy or performs some specific function for a higher spiritual authority such as God. An angel is generally understood as being benevolent.)
  • Anticipation and non-anticipation (The Cassiopaean material discusses anticipation in relation to following one’s path or interacting with reality at large. There two sides to the discussion: the first is that one should always anticipate attack in order to avoid problems by preparation; the second is that one should not be fixated on any particular imagined outcome of one’s creative efforts or intent, because such fixation or anticipation restricts the ‘creative flow.‘)
  • Antimatter (Antimatter is material composed of elementary particles of equal mass but opposite electrical charge.)
  • Antimatter universe (This universe is said to interact with the matter universe through gravity.)
  • Archetype (Generally, a universal idea or exemplar of a principle. The word is used in metaphysics, psychology, study of myths, and other fields.)
  • Aryans (Refers to a large human population was transferred from Kantek to Earth.)
  • Ascension (Refers to completing the development possible for and cosmically required of the human form and consequently moving to a qualitatively different form of being.)
  • Assemblage point (Refers to a locus of perception within the energy field of a being.)
  • Assumption (Assumptions are ideas, value judgements or unquestioned premises which color one’s thinking, generally without one’s own awareness.)
  • Atlantis (Atlantis is described as a global culture that has survived many cataclysms, the last and final taking place about 12,500 years ago.)
  • Atom (esoteric definition) (Esotericism views the atom, and matter that is built up from the aggregation of these atoms in a much more encompassing way then does material science.)
  • Attack (This denote action of the General Law towards hampering a person’s or group’s esoteric work or development.)
  • Attention (Attention, like the focusing of a lens that directs light, is a power of the Will that can direct energy and activity.)
  • Axis mundi (Considered to be the point where three worlds converged: Heaven, Earth, and the netherworld.)
  • A, B, and C influences
  • Bankruptcy (Fourth Way) (A turning point in life where one constates that the external life can no longer provide meaning to life.)
  • Being (Being is the togetherness of experience with an objective and a subjective aspect.)
  • Being called (Refers to the experience of the natural initiation of a Shaman who is “called” to a vocation by the gods)
  • Being mentation (Refers to thinking beyond the passive associative mechanism of the brain by the effort of the will.)
  • Being vs. non-being (Depending on the context and level, the reflection of these absolutes can be called service to others/service to self, creation/entropy, order/chaos, spirit/matter, consciousness/sleep.)
  • Belief vs. faith (In FOTCM discourse, the term belief means a concept which is accepted as a given truth, without necessarily being critically evaluated. ‘Belief’ often connotates emotional attachment of the believer to the belief. By contrast, the term faith can connote an open-minded attitude and trust in the process of inquiry.)
  • Big Bang (Emergence of the entire universe of matter and energy from a primal explosion where a point of infinite density, a so-called singularity, exploded and gave rise to all of what we consider to be the universe.)
  • Black hole (An object near which the gravity field is so intense that the escape velocity exceeds the velocity of light.)
  • Black magnetic center (A perversion of the magnetic center, forming through and pulling a man towards a self-serving caricature of genuine esoteric work.)
  • Bodies of man (Whether man possesses so-called higher bodies from birth varies from teaching to teaching. For example, theosophy and anthroposophy teach that such exist, whereas George Gurdjieff says they must be created through esoteric work. We can bridge between Gurdjieff and Rudolf Steiner by the system of seven bodies presented by Mark Hedsel.)
  • Books (Books on different topics, and recommended reading.)
  • Bose-Einstein condensate (A unique state of matter that forms below a critical temperature in which all bosons that comprise the matter fall into the same quantum state.)
  • Brain (The brain plays a role in mediating between the physical world and consciousness.)
  • Buddha (One who has Awoken. A title given to one who attains full and complete enlightenment without, in the life in which enlightenment is attained, having a teacher.)
  • Buddhism
  • Buffer (Fourth Way) (A buffer is a kind of thought-proof compartmentalization of the mind. They allow a person not to feel contradictions, putting the person’s conscience to sleep. Under their influence, uncomfortable aspects of reality are ignored, and the person remains asleep.)
  • COINTELPRO (In modern usage, any covert or underhanded activity aimed at destroying movements or ideas the power structure finds threatening while maintaining deniability.)
  • Cabala vs. Kabbalah (The difference between cabala and kabbalah.)
  • Cassiopaean Experiment (The name coined for Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s experiment with critical channeling. The channeled material which this experiment has led to is used as a source of inspiration for research, and the larger process of inquiry is inseparable from the Cassiopaean Experiment.)
  • Cassiopaeans (A channeled source contacted by Laura Knight-Jadczyk for the first time in 1994.)
  • Cataclysm (Cataclysms occur at very different scales.)
  • Catharism (A gnostic movement considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church)
  • Celts (The Celts were a group of ancient peoples of Indo-European origin sharing linguistic, religious and cultural ties, and made up of numerous tribes.)
  • Center of gravity (The center of gravity of a person relates to the person’s type.)
  • Centers (Fourth Way) (The 4th Way teaching attributes different areas of man’s functioning to so-called centers.)
  • Chakra (The human body has seven main energy centers or chakras. Descriptions vary.)
  • Channeling and channeled material (To channel is to serve as a medium through which an entity communicates with living persons. Some channeled material can be verified to be true, but most can not – and plenty can be verified to be either false or meaningless word salad. The best channeled material can give valuable inspiration for critical-minded research – while most of it can grossly mislead. There are many concepts conveyed through channeling to examine.)
  • Chaos, creation, and order (In the classic Greek cosmogony, the Universe is created from chaos. Chaos, the primal confusion is the raw material and then organization, or logos (an ordering principle) comes about and creates the Universe. This mythic concept can be expressed in the more modern terms of quantum physics.)
  • Characteropathy (In ponerology, personality disorder that is acquired rather than inherited. Characteropaths play important roles early in the ponerogenic process.)
  • Circle people vs. pyramid people (Refers to an apparent split in social structure, religion, form of governance, architecture and art between different peoples of ancient history and prehistory.)
  • Cognitive dissonance (A ubiquitous condition to which the human is so inured to that most of it even goes unnoticed.)
  • Colinearity (Colinearity means going in the same direction, with colinear people have a natural tendency to head in the same direction.)
  • Collinear wave reading consciousness unit (The Cassiopaeans propose that there is a para-physical realm that is another layer in the structure of space-time from which our own reality is projected.)
  • Colloidal silver (Colloidal silver is a well-known alternative remedy for bacterial or viral infections.)
  • Color spectrum (Visible light corresponds to a range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from about 400 for red to 800 nanometers for indigo.)
  • Comet cluster
  • Companions Devoted to Liberty (The “Companions Devoted to Liberty” were a group of artists who were creators of much of the art contained in Gothic Cathedrals in France.)
  • Conscience (The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong: Let your conscience be your guide.)
  • Conscious vs. mechanical suffering (This is defined as consisting of conscious labors and intentional suffering, which is an impulse necessary for man’s development towards objective reason and being while mechanical suffering refers to the emotional or physical reaction to anything ordinarily painful.)
  • Consciousness (Everything is really a form of consciousness, from its formless higher transcendental aspects to it’s lower derivatives that take an innumerable number of different forms.)
  • Consortium (A group of business or government entities allied for promoting some specific agenda.)
  • Conspiracy theory (A label that is usually stamped on inconvenient allegations of dishonesty or fraud by government.)
  • Constatation (Used in the meaning of a definite result of self-observation.)
  • Cosmoses (Fourth Way) (The Fourth Way cosmology is based on a scale of seven worlds or cosmoses. This is related to the scale of densities of the Ra and Cassiopaea materials, but each classification has a different emphasis.)
  • Covert aggression (Avoiding any overt display of aggression while simultaneously intimidating others into giving you what you want is a powerfully manipulative maneuver, which is why covert-aggression is most often the vehicle for interpersonal manipulation.)
  • Crop circle (Genuine communications of “higher beings”.)
  • Cryptogeographic being (Cryptogeographic beings are the huge animated forms that penetrate human consciousness, the supra-human forms that are quite conscious, aware, and active.)
  • Cyclical time (History is essentially a superposition of time loops.)
  • DNA changes (DNA changes leading to some sort of physical transfiguration or ascension is one of the most popular topics of contemporary channeled sources and New Age literature.)
  • Damage control (Any public relations activity that seeks to patch up the damage done to the status quo by fresh information coming to public consciousness.)
  • ”Dark Man” dream (A dream experience where a dark predator is present in one’s environment and a warning that it is about to rob the dreamer of something precious.)
  • Dead dudes (A term used to describe alleged discarnate entities.)
  • Death (Death is the center of a vast network of symbols.)
  • Debate vs. discussion (A distinction can be made between debate and discussion; debate is arguing with a vested interest or in order to win, while discussion scrutinizes the facts and may shake up beliefs.)
  • Demiurge (Refers to the “malevolent God” of the Old Testament, a fallen angel responsible for material creation.)
  • Density (In the Cassiopaean and Ra materials, denotes a qualitatively distinct level of being. Each density has its own structure of life forms, modes of perception and interaction, and typical lessons for the consciousnesses residing in it.)
  • Depression (When one becomes dissatisfied with the stock answers given by religion, culture and science and begins to look elsewhere for truth, the resulting shocks of learning the true nature of our reality can be truly depressing.)
  • Dervish (A member of Surfism, or a Sufi mystic.)
  • Destiny (A prearranged life plan, possibly watched over by some higher forces which will make it so the destiny gets fulfilled.)
  • Diet (Diet is key for both physiological and psychological health and wellness – it affects the state of our body, including our brains, and in turn also our emotional and intellectual functioning.)
  • Dimension (A dimension is not simply an axis perpendicular to all other axis of the space in question. Dimensions can be linear or cyclic, finite or infinite.)
  • Discernment (Discernment means good judgement, seeing things for what they are.)
  • Discipline (Discipline is a key aspect of the path of the warrior)
  • Disinformation (An intelligence term meaning purposely giving false information.)
  • Disjecta membra (Fragments of a formerly whole body of knowledge which has been scattered into often hard to recognize bits and pieces over time. In Latin, means disjoint or scattered members or parts.)
  • Doing (Doing is doing in favor of one’s destiny.)
  • Dream work (An exercise where one works with dreams to solve problems or to gain an insight on a particular issue.)
  • Earth changes and mass consciousness (Earth changes, most often meaning large natural cataclysms, are linked to the spiritual state of humanity by many metaphysical sources.)
  • Egypt and Egyptology (The mythology of ancient Egypt occupies a somewhat prominent place in certain esoteric circles.)
  • Emotional hook (The term refers to manipulating a person by appealing to some known aspect of personality with the intent of getting something for the self.)
  • Emotional thinking (Refers to emotions taking over the functions of thinking.)
  • Empathy (Empathy is being conscious of, or sensitive to, the emotions of another person or group of people.)
  • Energy (In physics, energy means capacity to do work.)
  • Enlightenment (The state of objective awareness of self and environment would most closely correspond to the Eastern concept of enlightenment.)
  • Entropy (In physics, entropy refers to the amount of order in a given system. Irreversible processes, such as combustion increase entropy.)
  • Esoteric Christianity (A term used to refer to the Fourth Way teachings.)
  • Esoterica (Esoteric matters that don’t fit specifically into any of the other main topics.)
  • Essence (In Fourth Way discourse, a man’s essence is the totality of the qualities or propensities he is born with. As opposed to this, personality is the totality of the acquired or learned patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. In modern psychology, inherited characteristics also play a large role.)
  • Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT is an attempt at bridging between the quantum and classical worlds in physics.)
  • Evil magician (A tale that well illustrates man’s position on this planet.)
  • Exoteric, mesoteric, and esoteric circles (In Fourth Way discourse, humankind is divided into four circles according to progress on the path of conscious evolution. There is first the outer circle of exterior men; then three progressive circles of interior men follow: the exoteric, the mesoteric, and the esoteric.)
  • External vs. internal considering (External considering is the practice of taking others into account when acting, seeing their situation as it is and accordingly making life easy both for oneself and for others. Internal considering is the opposite – acting out of a subjective inner state and view of the situation to which one is attached, with any of a number of consequences.)
  • Fall of man (The idea of some past catastrophic event for humanity is nearly ubiquitous in myth and religion.)
  • Feminine vampire (This term refers to a special type of human predator who plays a game involving appeal to the rescuer or protector programs of others, playing the victim, playing on others’ guilt and self-importance and other techniques of manipulation.)
  • Fifth density (In the scale of densities, the fifth density is a non-physical state of being, where entities who incarnate in the first through fourth densities exist between their incarnations. Fifth density is also referred to as a “recycling zone”.)
  • First density (In the scale of densities, the first density corresponds to inanimate matter and energy. Since the scale of density is principally concerned with how awareness interacts with its environment, we could say that the first density is the raw material on which awareness acts in order to create.)
  • Fisher King (In the Grail/Arthurian mythos, the Fisher King is wounded and presides over a land stripped of vitality, lying sick or lame in a sumptuous castle slowly falling into ruin.)
  • Food for the Moon (An allegory that the Moon feeds on organic life, on humanity. In this sense, humanity is food for the Moon.)
  • Food preparation (That we may transcend the recipe.)
  • Formatory thinking (The mechanical aspect of the lower intellectual center)
  • Fourth Way (A body of teaching on the possible spiritual development of man, introduced to the Western culture by George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff in the first half of the 20th century.)
  • Fourth density (In the scale of densities, the fourth density is a mode of existence between physical and ethereal. There are many names for and presentations of the concept of graduation to fourth density. Fourth density also appears to be the level at which the higher echelons of the “matrix control system” function, thus its possible existence is important for the study of the deeper nature of the world.)
  • Fourth density bleedthrough (In the Cassiopaean material, fourth density bleedthrough refers to various anomalous perceptions and effects. The idea is that at certain times and places, the boundary between the third and fourth densities becomes thinner and perceptions and laws of nature become somewhat fluid.)
  • Fourth density service to self being (The term refers to beings of the density directly above the human level who manipulate humanity and other similar life forms for their own ends. These are the architects and ultimate controllers of the “matrix control system”, the “Moon” of Gurdjieff, the “Archons” of darkness of the Gnostics. Most of the UFO phenomenon originates with these forces.)
  • Fractured soul unit (In the Cassiopaean material, humanity is referred to as a fractured soul unit.)
  • Free will (The first universal principle)
  • Frequency fence (An artificial construct meant to occlude perception or keep someone’s perception or frequency resonance vibration within a particular range.)
  • Frequency resonance vibration (A property of a person that has to do with the person’s alignment or intrinsic nature.)
  • Fusion (Fourth Way) (The term fusion, as used in Boris Mouravieff’s Gnosis books, is the process of forming a ‘real’ or ‘permanent I’ out of the multiple little ‘I’s which generally constitute man’s personality.)
  • Game theory (This is a branch of mathematics which explores outcomes of choices within “games”, i.e. systems with formal rules, participants, a space of possible actions and typically some sort of score function.)
  • General Law (The law(s) under which man live as a mechanical part of a mechanical world. During esoteric Work, the General Law is the adversary, until the successful development of self-mastery and conscious will makes possible an escape from its rule.)
  • Gnosis (Means knowledge, mostly used when speaking of esoteric matters.)
  • Gnosticism (A group of spiritual traditions, not strictly limited to the Christian world and era but most Gnostic movements are in some relation to Christianity.)
  • God (Refers to a universal source of all which is.)
  • Goddess (Discussion of how the notion of gender ties in with the divine.)
  • Graduation to fourth density (There appears to be a certain benchmark that a being must meet in order to pass from third density incarnations to fourth density ones. Additionally, it seems that in some cases this can take place while in the body. This benchmark is variously described but all descriptions raise more questions than they answer. We will look at diverse aspects mentioned by different sources below.)
  • Grail (The Holy Grail is a cup or platter used at the last supper by Christ and his disciples.)
  • Grand cycle (A period of approximately 309,000 years.)
  • Gravity (Gravity is everywhere but the mechanism through which it propagates is not known.)
  • Green Language (Green Language, or the “language of the birds”, refers to the generally opaque and confusing way the few texts there are are written.)
  • Greenbaum (A code word for a technique of mind control.)
  • Group transduction of energy (Groups of people represent different spiritual principles at different times.)
  • HAARP (HAARP refers to a United States military-operated research site in Alaska, and used for space and time manipulation as well as mind control of the masses.)
  • Health and wellness (The state of our body not only affects our physical capabilities, but also our emotional health and intellectual ability; and conversely, our emotional health affects our physical health along with our thinking. This is one of the most important topics for anyone seeking to work on him- or herself or to be healthy and well in our all too sick world.)
  • Heating the crucible (Receiving shocks and using these as catalyst for internal change, generally for building cohesion between little ‘I’s.)
  • Hendaye (This town in the French Basque region is the site of the “cyclic cross” discussed by Fulcanelli.)
  • Heroic archetype (Heroes are called to complete a quest; following great labors, they receive supernatural help, enter a dangerous situation and achieve victory. They then return with new power.)
  • High strangeness (High strangeness refers to a global phenomenon so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought, which it carries with it many implications of the existence of intelligences other than our own.)
  • Higher centers (The 4th Way terminology recognizes the higher emotional and higher intellectual centers as well as the sexual center as higher centers.)
  • History
  • Holographic nature (A hologram is an image which appears to have depth because its appearance changes according to the angle of observation.)
  • Hydrogens (Fourth Way) (In the Fourth Way cosmology, all that exists is seen in the context of a table of ‘hydrogens’, where the term hydrogen simply means substance in general. Some hydrogens are material, some are information, others are spiritual energies for which there is no general description in human language.)
  • Hyperboreans (The ancient Greeks were sometimes called sons of Boreas [north wind]. Hyperborea is the land beyond or above the north.)
  • Hyperdimensional physics (The term generally refers to theories of physics involving more than three dimensions of space and one of time.)
  • Hyperdimensional reality (This is the larger reality in which the reality of three dimensions of space and linear time is embedded. The hyperdimensional reality is not directly observable from inside itself.)
  • Hypnosis (The conscious mind is put to sleep leaving the subconscious open to suggestion and receptive to commands.)
  • I Ching (The Book of Changes or the I Ching is among the oldest writings preserved to the present day.)
  • Identification (A nearly constant, universal feature of man’s psyche.)
  • Idiot (In general usage, a foolish or stupid person, but the term “idiot” has also its esoteric meaning as used by George Gurdjieff.)
  • Ignota nulla curatio morbi (Latin for “do not attempt to cure what you do not understand” – an important principle of ponerology.)
  • Illuminati (Originally the name of a secret society started by Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776. In the modern context, generally used to mean the higher levels of secret government)
  • Illusion (Illusion means an erroneous representation or belief about reality.)
  • Imagination vs. impression (Imagination is one of the principal features of man which keep him asleep. Impressions, on the other hand, are called the ‘third being food’ and are an absolute necessity for life.)
  • Impartiality (The ideal state of perception.)
  • Impeccability (Impeccability is the systematic, correct and efficient use of energy.)
  • Impression management (Impression management is a manipulative process of controlling or influencing the perceptions of other people.)
  • Imprinting (Psychology speaks of periods of imprint sensitivity in the context of an infant’s or young child’s early development.)
  • Information selection and substitution (Largely subconscious processes that distort a person’s thinking and conclusions. To avoid uncomfortable conclusions, premises which would lead to them are suppressed and replaced – leading to new and more comfortable, but erroneous, conclusions.)
  • Initiation (A rite of passage signifying the change of an individual’s status within a society or organization.)
  • Intrinsic nature (One’s built-in tendency towards either “felicity” vs. “wretchedness”, “grace” vs. “sin”, or being vs. non-being.)
  • Intuition (To grasp something intuitively is to acquire an idea without the use of reasoning.)
  • Involution vs. evolution (Evolution is the lower becoming the higher, following an ascending octave. Involution is the higher determining or creating the lower, following a descending octave.)
  • Juvenile vs. adult dictionary (The idea is that different people use identical words but understand and intend very different things with these. This is a well known phenomenon of exterior humanity.)


  • Kantek (The fifth planet of the solar system, destroyed over 80,000 years ago.)
  • Karma (Involves a soul’s ‘accountability’ for its actions and is usually understood to cover multiple lifetimes.)
  • Karma and the Principle Of Equilibrium
  • Ketogenic diet
  • Knowledge (What is known is known in context and in an applicable form)
  • Kundalini (A sort of force or effect that is localized at the base of the spine and can be activated either spontaneously or through deliberate exercises. Different teachings assign different meaning to it.)
  • Law of Accident (George Gurdjieff’s term for those mechanical laws that govern the way man lives. See also “General Law”.)
  • Law of Confusion (A principle whereby a higher density service to others entity is prohibited from abridging the free will of lower density beings it communicates with.)
  • Law of Seven (The 4th Way cosmology sees all processes as divided in seven stages, often denoted by the notes from do to si (ascending) or do to re (descending).)
  • Law of Three (The Law of Three is fundamental to Fourth Way cosmology, where each phenomenon springs from the interaction of three forces. The idea is also central to the Cassiopaean Experiment, where context or consciousness determines alignment in relation to the fundamental duality of the cosmos.)
  • Lemuria (A mythical continent, usually placed in the Southern Pacific.)
  • Lessons (The universe is one great school, everything learns, even inanimate matter.)
  • Lies and lying (Lies are ubiquitous in both the inner and outer life of man. Any work aspiring towards truth needs to deal with this state of matters – which to begin with requires distinguishing between various forms of lying.)
  • Linear time (The concept of a time dimension which is strictly sequential and only moves forward.)
  • Lines of Work (In Fourth Way schools, the Work is divided into three distinct lines: the student’s work on the self, the work with other students, and work for the school.)
  • Little ‘I’s (The Fourth Way teaches that man is a collection of inconsistent habits, programs, or stimulus-response patterns; these rule all kinds of inner and outer behavior, and whichever resulting ‘self’ is active at the moment calls itself ‘I’ and sees itself always as the one, same person.)
  • Logos (Word of God.)
  • Love (There is a bewildering range of meanings and connotations associated with love. The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge.)
  • Lucifer (Literally means “light bringer”. In Christian tradition, this is another name for Satan or the devil.)
  • Magnetic center (A function in man which is formed as esoteric work proceeds beyond exterior, sleeping man.)
  • Make nice program (An automatic behavior tending towards avoiding conflict and making repeated concessions or tolerating consistent ill treatment.)
  • Man number 1, 2, and 3
  • Many-worlds interpretation (One interpretation of quantum theory is that each time a measurement is made, all possible outcomes of the measurement occur, each in its own parallel world.)
  • Mark of the beast (The biblical mention of the mark of the beast and the number 666 has sparked endless speculation and interpretation. One of the more original interpretations is found in the Cassiopaean material.)