The term enlightenment is mostly used in the context of various Eastern spiritual teachings to denote a change in consciousness resulting from extensive meditation. Very few practitioners are said to reach enlightenment and this is most often seen as the culmination of a lifetime of work. The Buddhist tradition has designations for various levels of consciousness reached via meditation. The reader is referred to sources discussing yogic practices for more detail.

The Fourth Way does not use the term with any frequency. In the Fourth Way designation of states of consciousness, the state of objective awareness of self and environment would most closely correspond to the Eastern concept of enlightenment.

The Cassiopaean material contains a few references to qualitative changes of consciousness which we could call enlightenment, although this term is not generally used there.

”… The “trick” that 3rd density STS life forms will learn, either prior to [transition to 4th density](Graduation to fourth density), or at the exact juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and most solid step in this process is to [not anticipate](Anticipation and non-anticipation) at all. This is most difficult for you.”


A: Now, blockbuster for you: 3rd level beings who reach total STO profile automatically and instantaneously go to 4th level at moment achieved!


A: As we have told you before, if you will be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined. And, certainly you have heard of that. And, for one moment, which lasts for all eternity, that individual knows absolutely everything that there is to know.

Q: (L) So, you are saying that the path to illumination is knowledge and not love?

A: That is correct.


Q: What I am trying to get to is an understanding of an enlightened being. Eddie and a LOT of other people have the idea that an enlightened being IS LOVE, and that is what they radiate, and that this is a result of being enlightened.

A: No, no, no, no, no. “Enlightened” does not mean good. Just smart.

Q:: Okay, so there are STS and STO enlightened beings?

A: Yes, we believe the overall ratio is 50/50.

Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?

A: An intelligent being who only gives.