Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment and Fourth Way

It is conceivable that somehow, somewhere, there must be a Greatness, a Source of Initiative, that is infinitely greater then all of Existence from which an impulse comes forth that is inconceivable and unknowable that is neither a fact nor reducible to fact.

This impulse can best be described as the Primordial Act that separated Being from Non-Being. At this point, “after” this Primordial Creative Act, the inconceivable now becomes conceivable and we can now CONCEIVE of a limitless Creative Will that is beyond all finite scale but still not alien to our own experience. It is at this point, after this Primordial Act of creation is Accomplished, that the Will becomes an independent POWER.

To put it in more philosophical language, “prior” to this Primordial Creative Act, the Infinite Will was trancendental and “beyond” all Being and Existence, but still not aloof from it since it is from this Will that meaning and value was brought into Existence THROUGH All Being. After this Primordial Creative Act, which separated Being from Non-Being, the Will now became Immanent and was now inherently involved in all of Existence. Thus we have an Infinite Creative Will that is both Trancendental and yet still Immanent. From this we can see that the Infinite Creative Will is infinitely free, unique and independent, and yet not ABSOLUTELY free since it is still “committed” to its own creation.

To clarify this using something more familiar with our own experience, we can say that the first act of Will is free in much the same way that Shakespeare had complete and unrestricted freedom to do whatever he choose to do. He could plant a garden, smoke a pipe, read a book, etc. But after he chose to write or “bring into being” a play he became COMMISSIONED to write a play. Although he had complete freedom to write a play, such as choosing what style, length, content, etc., he did not have absolute freedom since his freedom was now commissioned to and thus limited to only writing a play. Similarly, prior to the separation of Being from Non Being the Infinite Creative Will had complete freedom to create, but after the Infinite Creative Will “commissioned itself” into creating a universe THROUGH the Primary Creative Act of separating Being from Non Being, then Being was now limited in its creations by only those possibilities made available by those LAWS imposed by the Infinite Creative Will after this Primary Act of Creation.

Only at subsequent stages where the infinity of Being had given rise to the finitude of existence, do the three components of the One Will (active, passive and neutralizing) become mutually involved and interdependent with each other at which point these three components of Reality will ‘manifest’ within existence as a RELATIONSHIP between the active, passive, and neutralizing forces. Thus “prior” to creation, the three components of the Infinite Creative Will were ONE. “After” creation, these three components were separated from the source and the Infinite Creative Will now manifested in the created universe as THREE.

As the Principle Of Creation, the Will is one but as the Principle Of Relatedness, the Will is three fold.

See also