In Eastern esoteric teachings, the human body has seven main energy centers or chakras. The Sanskript word chakra means “wheel”.

According to the Cassiopaeans, the chakras roughly correspond to the centers of the Fourth Way teaching as follows:

  1. Root: moving/instinctive center
  2. Lower back/belly: lower emotional center
  3. Solar plexus: sexual center
  4. Heart: higher emotional center
  5. Throat: lower intellectual center
  6. Third eye: combination of higher emotional and higher intellectual centers
  7. Crown: higher intellectual center

Many sources associate chakras and the corresponding areas of the body to different areas of human functioning. Problems in these areas of functioning can manifest as medical issues in the general area of the corresponding chakra. Descriptions vary in specifics. For example, Caroline Myss’ book, Anatomy of the Spirit, contains more material on this aspect of chakras.

The FOTCM generally considers that spiritual contents are reflected in the physical world. Thus study of the visible is even essential for seeing the unseen. Body symbology reflecting a spiritual cause is thus possible but the general take of the FOTCM is that most teaching on chakras jumps to conclusions. The New Age community has for a long time used this word very casually.

Clusters of neuropeptide receptors are found in the general areas along the spine which are associated with chakras. Physiologically this structure represents a bridge between the endocrine and nerve systems.

According to the Cassiopaean material, chakras are real but often misunderstood and represent a linkage between the physical body and present incarnation on the one hand and fifth density existence on the other.

The channeled source Ra places much emphasis on chakras and their corresponding color, ranging in order of decreasing wavelength from the red of the first chakra to the indigo of the sixth. In Ra’s description, chakras parallel the scale of densities, each with its characteristic lessons:

  1. Red ray: biological survival; first density, early second density.
  2. Orange ray: relations of personal power over another, one to one relationships; late second density.
  3. Yellow ray: relationship of individual to group, social organization; third density.
  4. Green ray: unconditional love and unity of all; fourth density
  5. Blue ray: true communication, wisdom, impartiality; fifth density
  6. Indigo ray: synthesis of wisdom and love, seeing all as it is, clairvoyance; sixth density.
  7. The sum of all rays: the overall reflection of a being’s balance, the sum total; seventh density.

Certain people see auras and the colors and shapes of chakras therein but the descriptions are at some variance and are not as simple or clear cut as the schematics outlined above, nor are the colors always as listed here. Due to all the variance in individual perception, it is difficult to say anything definite about chakras.

A more fruitful approach may be to take the functions of chakras or centers, which is a closely parallel concept and attempt to see how, where and when the thinking, feeling and physical functions express themselves in the self.

See also