Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment and Natural science

The role of technology in the development of consciousness is somewhat complex and ambiguous. The role of technology as a factor of social and environmental change as well as a facilitator of communication and accumulation of knowledge is obvious and extensively covered by others, hence we will not address it here. We will instead summarize some of the conclusions and interpretations of the FOTCM as concerns its investigations into technology and its uses.

Since today’s society is immersed in technology and indeed totally dependent on it, it may have a tendency to overvalue it and to see it as the only desirable or worthwhile direction of development. Also, today’s generally used technologies are a result of quite selective development with many areas left suppressed. A simple example is the near-complete dependence on fossil fuels and lack of conservation even when more efficient usage can be achieved at reasonable cost.

Technological augmentation of the human has been researched by the military over the decades. This ranges from performance-enhancing drugs to technologically enhanced cooperation, command and control automation and would-be amplification of intelligence by decision support systems. The newer generation of plans involves direct interfacing of the nervous system with external devices for control and/or sensory augmentation. Also, chemical control of metabolism for sustaining peak performance is on the table. Generally available versions of these technologies exist but are not particularly advanced. It is difficult to evaluate what the status of the classified development is.

Human genetic manipulation and cloning is certainly on the agenda but applications are not very advanced on the public side and the classified side is unknown. Another application of human genetic research which is probably deployment ready or close is ethnic-specific weapons, i.e. diseases which will infect humans based on the presence or absence of specific genetic markers. Injection of human genetic material into animal organisms for various purposes, such as producing drugs is another application of human genetic research.

Edgar Cayce and the Cassiopaeans suggest that the present age is a replay of Atlantis, which according to them was a technological society which created various synthetic life forms and had working knowledge of hyperdimensional physics, i.e. unified field theory with applications such as “free energy” and space travel by manipulation of gravity and/or spacetime metric, including passage between densities.

Indeed, even the public development of life sciences goes in the direction of genetically manipulated lifeforms, whereas the topics of hyperdimensional physics are suppressed in the open but likely developed behind closed doors. Of the latter, the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk myths are the best known and probably half red herrings, while the real work goes on elsewhere. Various stories of secret government bodies having received alien technology and even farmed some out into the public side have to do with this. Some computer technology, fiber optics and the like would be early examples of such technology transfer.

There have been various initiatives towards disclosure of such secret technologies but the field is fraught with disinformation and no disclosure is likely. There is enough evidence that something exists but the details are drowned out in disinformation. We can here mention Steven Greer’s Project Disclosure, which is probably in the end a psi-op advocating the idea that the aliens are here to save us under the pretense of pushing for public disclosure of alleged alien technology. While such technology is likely to exist in some circles, probably outside of the regular military, it is entirely unlikely that any be disclosed since even local research into these topics is suppressed or kept running in circles.

Mind control with various electronic means is another application worth mentioning. Already in the 1970’s it was demonstrated that the mood of humans could be influenced at a distance with low-power EM fields vibrating at specific extreme low frequencies. Also low-power microwaves could be used for producing auditory hallucinations. With 30 years additional research we can expect applications that are far more subtle and essentially undetectable. These may or may not be in common use. The regular techniques of control of the economy and creating external enemies and dumbing down the population seem to work well enough, so that the need for mass electronic mind control may in the end not be so great. The HAARP project has sometimes been associated with electronic mass mind control.

Is there any service-to-others-oriented, consciousness-enhancing technological application? We could say the Internet has in part played such a role, even though this was not its original design purpose. At any rate, it has expanded availability of alternative information and benefited networking, even though most of the traffic has to do with neither. In empowering people to seek out and devote themselves to whichever information they choose, the Internet has a polarizing effect: sincere seekers may use it to join efforts and learn together, while most people use it as a way to entertain themselves, to receive propaganda from the powers that be, and generally as a way to shut out reality. The Cassiopaeans commented on the role the Internet plays in the population at large on June 13, 2015[1]:

(L) [A forum member asks: “Can the internet be seen as a “window of opportunity”/“an experiment in human consciousnesses”?”] … Is [the Internet] a window of opportunity, or is it an experiment in human consciousness?

A: We once told you that your computers would overpower you. Thus neither question is precisely to the point. Internet was initially manifested for practical purposes, then other applications were developed. It could be said that the “experiment” in consciousness appeared in reaction to more positive uses. At present the internet is more a source of confusion and propaganda than anything else. Thus the opening statement is fulfilled.

Q: (L) In other words, the overpowering of people by their computers would be the use of the internet for confusion and propaganda. Is that what we’re getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, people being taken over in their minds by disinformation, propaganda, lies and so forth on the computer are literally being taken over by their computers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, the next part of that question is: “Is the internet likely to end soon?”

A: If you consider the ramifications of the previous answer, not likely until the power grid goes down.

Q: (L) In other words, why would they shut down something that so easily enables them to control the masses?

A: Exactly.

The book The Secret History of the World explores evidence for the pre-historic existence of technologies involving control of gravity and space-time. It appears that such would have existed and that these were not based on a technological infrastructure of the modern type and that these were, as it were, closer to nature. As tools, these seem to have been used for service to others as well as service to self applications and for unknown reasons their use has since faded. It is possible that the use of such technologies requires specific conditions or genetic characteristics from the user which are no longer generally present. Edward Leedskalnin of Coral Castle fame may have accidentally rediscovered such methods and has been able to apply them to some degree. This is some evidence for the possibility but in practice the perspective seems distant.

According to the Cassiopaeans, the very event of the human fall was technological in a sense, involving the use of some extraterrestrial technology for affecting human DNA en masse. Technologically reversing such an effect may be theoretically conceivable but here we run into the problem of matching consciousness to the physical apparatus. We find the same problems when considering the use of drugs for obtaining higher states of consciousness. If the human soul were at the point of needing fourth density type faculties for its continued learning, then the soul would incarnate in an environment where these would occur naturally, we could say.

The question of using technology, here including various drugs, for affecting natural processes and how it relates to the question of STO is somewhat complex. The Cassiopaeans have on the one hand said that STO beings are not concerned with processes such as genetically manipulating themselves or their own ancestors for gaining some advantage for themselves, whereas STS ones would do such things for any number of reasons.

On the other hand, use of whatever tools are available in the environment, including technological ones, is not intrinsically STS – it is simply reasonable and even necessary if one’s plan requires performing some specific activity in this world. Constructing some device for transferring people between densities is apparently possible, as evidenced by the UFO phenomenon, but is somewhat self-defeating as a means of achieving ‘ascension’ since one’s capacity to function at the other end of the process would depend on the fit of the consciousness with the density. Therefore such processes cannot permanently rely on technology or drugs.

On one hand knowledge of these processes and their possibilities is key to working towards their realization and on the other actual shortcuts are self-defeating. George Gurdjieff and Rudolf Steiner have said that people are by natural factors prevented from directly perceiving the supersensible worlds until they are ready. Flukishly seeing these worlds through some genetic quirk or drugs is most often detrimental. The story of Prometheus is a mythical rendition of this concept.

The matter is not a clear either-or, much hinges on balance. Using technology for staying alive and medicine for treating disease or optimizing health is reasonable, using it for forcible self-modification is generally STS and attempts to hijack natural processes to serve one’s own subjective idea of gain. Gaining knowledge of all possible fields is again a different matter and is intrinsically limitless. However factors of one’s psychic constitution will determine whether the knowledge can be applied. In some cases, specific knowledge, particularly technological knowledge may be concretely dangerous.

The STS worship of and quest to control the physical universe makes such beings naturally drawn to technology. STO is less drawn to technology as an end in itself but then again may have the same or greater scope of technological/scientific understanding. The fields of consciousness and technology appear quite distinct at the human level but this need not be so in the next density. Thus where matter and consciousness are more directly connected, the orientation of the consciousness may have more to do with what forms of technology make sense or are useful.


  1. Cassiopaean Session 13 June 2015

Cassiopaea Forum

  • Gurdjieff and Steve Jobs (Discussion and critical dissection of a video that claims that Apple, its products, and related technological developments further the growth of human consciousness.)
