The main article in the series Channeling and channeled material

In general usage, to channel is to serve as a medium through which an entity communicates with living persons. Such an entity may either be otherwordly or a part of the medium’s psyche. There are a variety of approaches to channeling. To be a channeler is very similar to being a translator or interpreter: the mind of the channeler translates the communicated impressions into a form which living humans can understand. As such, the qualities of the material depend equally on the source and the medium.

Some channeled material can be verified to be true, but most cannot – and plenty can be verified to be either false or meaningless word salad. The best channeled material can give valuable inspiration for critical-minded research – while most of it can grossly mislead. There is a diverse range of concepts and types of information conveyed through channeling to examine.

Types of channeling

There are several types of channeling or mediumship, e.g. trance channeling and conscious channeling.

Trance channeling

Trance channeling is a form of channeling where the medium gives up conscious control over his body and mind to an “entity” to use as a vehicle for communication. The medium will have no memory or knowledge of what has occurred. This is typically a dangerous form of dissociation.

In one of the SOTT Podcasts, Laura Knight-Jadczyk described the problems with trance channeling as follows:[1]

[M]ost channeling is done in a state of dissociation, which means that somebody is not present in themselves. And from my point of view, that’s not healthy. To not be fully in yourself at every moment is simply not healthy. It’s disabling. And by definition, trance channeling or any kind of channeling where the individual is no longer present in themselves, you know, totally present in themselves, is something of a violation. It’s a violation of their sovereign being.

When you’re dissociated, you’re no longer on guard. You’re as vulnerable as if you are asleep. That strikes me as not a very benevolent exchange. So, that if a person is required to give up their self-awareness as an exchange with some alleged higher being who wants to use them and talk through them, that alleged being cannot be, by definition, benevolent, because that being is making that individual vulnerable. Now, the argument may be made that the benevolent being is going to take over their voice or their physical structure for a period of time in order to speak through them and the benevolent being will watch out for them while this is happening. But, still they are being asked to give up themselves.

Conscious channeling

Conscious channeling is a form of channeling where the medium remains conscious, but allows themselves to be used to express some form of communication originating from an entity. At any time, the person is free to adjust or refuse the material coming through (for an example, if a person is not comfortable with a certain information coming through, e.g. due to that person’s belief system, it can be denied or changed). Board channeling, such as via an Ouija board, falls under this category.

Critical channeling

Laura Knight-Jadczyk used (and uses) a board-type instrument with a moving planchette to communicate with the Cassiopaeans. This activity takes place in a group setting, with two or more people participating at the board and more people present in the room. The material received comes about through an interactive process involving the group present at any given session: discussion takes place among the participants, between them and the source, and critical examination and adjustments are done as the session proceeds.

The resulting material is not taken on faith, but rather regarded as a source of inspiration to be used for working hypotheses. Knight-Jadczyk’s husband, mathematical/theoretical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk, once wrote about this type of channeling as follows:[2]

The Cassiopaean channeling has characteristics of a scientific experiment. […] With scientific standards in mind. The Cassiopaean channeling is Critical Channeling. It is in this respect that it is different from other channeling. And it will stay so.

The difference is in the approach. We are searching for the truth. Others who make unilateral statements that all channeling is crap are sure that they know it and would like to impose it on other people, or manipulate other people into believing what they say. And naturally, when such individuals state such things, they claim that it comes from God or some equally authoritarian source, but when someone else dares to have a different way of finding the truth, it is necessarily “100% disinformation” and “crap”.

We try to share our thoughts, and when necessary, we are ready to learn and change. And that is what is most important. This attitude of being open.

In contrast to the approach taken by most channelers, Knight-Jadczyk makes use of her critical thinking and research skills to verify the claims from the Cassiopaeans instead of taking them at face value. The Cassiopaeans have constantly encouraged the participants to learn by their own efforts, as opposed to giving all the “answers” at once.

Channeling and self-work

A board-type instrument can also be used to access a person’s own subconscious mind and/or be used as a form of spirit release therapy as part of doing the Work. An excerpt from one of the Cassiopaean sessions explores such ideas:[3]

Q: (L) I have the idea that we should make a video to show people how to safely and effectively use a board-type instrument to work through their issues, to find out what’s lurking in their own subconscious mind, possibly to do spirit release therapy on themselves (one of the few ways it can be done), and just in general to bring some light to the topic of using a board-type instrument as a means for self-development. What do you think about this idea?

A: 5 of us think it is stupendous!!!

Q: (L) Are there any particular dangers to this plan? If people who are ignorant or spiritually weak would attempt to use a board-type instrument, obviously they would have problems. Is that not correct?

A: Of course, but that is just the sort of person who would try trance channeling with absolutely no warning system in operation.

Q: (L) What do you mean by a warning system?

A: No conscious feedback.

Q: (L) What about people who talk about having played with a Ouija board or spirit board and they had some sort of bad experience and they felt like there was something evil there and they got scared away or creep out? What about those kinds of stories?

A: Some of them are true, but most of them are just made up.

Q: (L) What about the ones that are true?

A: That is what we mean about a “warning system.”

Q: (L) What do you mean that’s what you mean by a warning system?

A: Those kinds of entities are around a lot of people, they just don’t know it unless they interact in a way that removes the veil and exposes the fact.

Q: (L) So you’re saying that when they use a board, it shows them what’s there, and otherwise it’s there and they don’t know it. Is that what you’re saying?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And does that also mean that if such people were to try some other form of channeling, that they would be interacting with something that their conscious mind would not perceive as yucky or unpleasant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And why is that?

A: When an invitation to “come in” is given, the entity can produce pleasant sensations that override the conscious warning system. When a board type device is used, it gives a distance and a layer of protection. You then can choose if you wish to continue the contact or not. You don’t have that choice when the entity has already been invited “in”.

Q: (L) So it’s kind of like the vampire movie! The vampire says, “Enter freely and of your own free will!” And if you do, you’re screwed. And if you say, “Come in and talk to me, you’re my higher self!” you’re screwed! Very interesting. So in other words, when people are using the board and they have an unpleasant experience, it’s actually a good thing because it’s warning them to not proceed and to have no further contact with that entity. They can choose to send that entity on down the road. Is that basically it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And can they then ask for another entity - well, I don’t want to say that… Will that entity go away if they tell them to go?

A: Yes, normally: and they also have their full body sensorium to warn in the event that the entity does not. But having said that, it is also important to remember that most entities that are encountered this way are already “in residence.” A person who has a direct personal encounter with a repellent entity is usually only meeting the “neighbors”.

Q: (L) So you’re saying that what people most often encounter in these exercises will be attached entities that they don’t even know are in residence in their space? Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, anybody who encounters something really yucky and wants to throw the board away has just thrown away probably one of the best methods for finding out about this entity and helping to get rid of it. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Because, just because they have thrown the board away, that doesn’t mean the entity they’ve encountered has gone away. He has just been enticed to speak, and once the board is gone, he goes back to lurking. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Most unpleasant. (J) Is there ever a case where using a board could attract an entity that wasn’t there beforehand? That seems to be the key question…

A: Yes, if the individual is knowledgable and the entity needs help. Also it must be made plain that young people, because of their natural tendency to dissociate, ought not to be around such activity.

Q: (Ark) Well, we still have the question about what happens to passive participants. (L) Passive participants in what respect? (Ark) I mean because we were talking about people who do the session, and they are so to say “active” at the board, but there are usually observers and a lot of entities attach to them…

A: That can present problems in some cases. Ideally all participants and attendees ought to be “clean.”

Uses of channeled material

In approaching channeled material, it is advisable to do so with a critical mind. It is best used as inspiration only, taking nothing on faith and verifying the content to the extent possible. Ultimately, what matters most is the fruits of the information conveyed. Does it inspire useful research, learning, and/or contemplation which leads to a more objective view of reality? A good “source” can provide such inspiration, but such sources are the exception rather than the norm.

Most channeled content is meaningless, misleading, or simply useless for practical purposes. When people take an uncritical attitude to it, it can in many cases do harm. The world of New Age channeling provides plenty of examples of nonsensical ideas promulgated by channeled sources; for example, such teachings tend to encourage passivity, anticipation of being ‘saved’ or ‘ascended’ if one [believes](Belief vs. faith) and “gets with the program”, and often the idea that “you create your own reality” simply by automatically manifesting your thoughts. Many “followers” blindly believe such channeling, cultivating wishful thinking and the seeking of subjective experiences, rather than knowledge and understanding.

The qualities of material transmitted vary greatly, and both the attitude and the knowledge of the channeler or channelers are important in this respect. Some channeled material is fabricated, whether consciously or unconsciously, often for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. Some contains information suggesting that the channeler would not have been able to produce it him- or herself. In most cases, it is hard to know. Apart from such questions, the qualities of the source or sources are also important; a genuine transmission does not imply genuine information. Many sources have [their own agendas](Evil magician) and act in their own self-interest, whether at greater or smaller detriment to the channeler(s) and their believers. But the majority of sources may simply be “[dead dudes](Dead dudes)” who, knowing no more than the living, are simply looking for attention.

There is much information conveyed through channeling which one can examine – some worthwhile due to its unusual (in a positive sense) quality, and some due to illustrating the rampant spread of misinformation and senseless beliefs and attitudes. But ultimately, the sheer amount of available channeled material is so large that, once one learns to distinguish its qualities, one will have to prioritize.

Further readings

See also


  1. SOTT Podcast #33: SRT and Channelling (transcript); 21 Jan 2006.
  2. Knight-Jadczyk, Laura. High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction, p. 359-360. Grande Prairie: Red Pill Press, 2008.
  3. Cassiopaean Session 25 May 2008


Cassiopaea Forum

  • PopHistorian’s CHANNEL WATCH Series (A series of articles with accompanying discussions that critically examine a variety of channeled material.)
  • PopHistorian’s CHANNEL STATIC Series (A second series of articles with accompanying discussions that critically examine channeled material. Unlike the “CHANNEL WATCH” series, this second series takes a briefer and broader look at the overall trends in channeling, rather than deeper analysis of particular sources.)
  • Channeling, UFOs and the positive/negative realms beyond this world (An article by Michael Topper, posted on the Cassiopaea Forum and recommended to everyone who wants to channel on their own, or is simply interested in reading channeled material.)


  • SOTT Podcast #33: SRT and Channeling [transcript] ( discuss the nature of “Spirit Release Therapy” (SRT) and the early days of the Cassiopaean Experiment with Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Laura discusses how experiences she gained during her years as a hypontherapist led her to create a new type of more critical, scientific channeling.)
  • SOTT Podcast #34: Channeling and Exorcism Part 1 [transcript] ( discuss one of the more interesting cases of “Spirit Release Therapy” (SRT) from the early days of the Cassiopaean Experiment with Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Laura describes a real-life exorcism she conducted during her years as a hypontherapist, complete with audio clips from the session itself. This is our most hair-raising podcast yet! This is part 1 of 2.)
  • SOTT Podcast #35: Channeling and Exorcism Part 2 [transcript] (Part 2 of 2.)
  • SOTT Podcast #36: Channeling and Alien Abduction [transcript] ( discuss another one of the more interesting hypnotherapy cases from the early days of the Cassiopaean Experiment with Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Laura describes a session she conducted during her years as a hypontherapist, complete with audio clips from the session itself. This time around, it seems the problem is not demonic possession, but an apparent alien abduction. It’s another hair-raising podcast!)


  • A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 1 (A talk by Laura Knight-Jadczyk in which she looks at the history of the modern spiritual movement and the pitfalls and traps awaiting any would-be “channeler”. Laura also provides a look at the events that led to the beginnings of the “Cassiopaean Experiment”.)
  • A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 2 (In this follow-up, Laura Knight-Jadczyk explains the potential pit-falls awaiting anyone who attempts to use an ‘Ouija board’ for the purpose of ‘spirit release’ without the necessary knowledge and understanding of what exactly they are dealing with.)
  • A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 3 (Laura Knight-Jadczyk expands on the topic of ‘spirit release’ via the use of an Ouija board and shares valuable information on how those with a serious and honest interest in this method can proceed safely and achieve the best results.)
  • A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 4 (Laura Knight-Jadczyk responds to questions and comments posed by viewers of Parts 1, 2 and 3.)

All ‘Channeling and channeled material’ topics

  • 2012 (The year 2012 was popularly cited as the time of a planet wide change to some sort of new level or mode of existence. Connected with one particular interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the idea spread throughout New Age circles and into pop culture.)
  • All is one (The Cassiopaeans and many other channeled sources state that ‘all is one and one is all.’ This idea is also found in various religious writing. The idea is however sometimes naively applied to matters at the human level of experience. The New Age approach of trying to ‘see all as one’ in order to influence reality is a case in point.)
  • Cassiopaeans (A channeled source contacted by Laura Knight-Jadczyk for the first time in 1994.)
  • Chakra (The human body has seven main energy centers or chakras. Descriptions vary.)
  • Color spectrum (Visible light corresponds to a range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from about 400 for red to 800 nanometers for indigo.)
  • Dead dudes
  • Density (In the Cassiopaean and Ra materials, denotes a qualitatively distinct level of being. Each density has its own structure of life forms, modes of perception and interaction, and typical lessons for the consciousnesses residing in it.)
  • Earth changes and mass consciousness (Earth changes, most often meaning large natural cataclysms, are linked to the spiritual state of humanity by many metaphysical sources.)
  • Fifth density (In the scale of densities, the fifth density is a non-physical state of being, where entities who incarnate in the first through fourth densities exist between their incarnations. Fifth density is also referred to as a “recycling zone”.)
  • First density (In the scale of densities, the first density corresponds to inanimate matter and energy. Since the scale of density is principally concerned with how awareness interacts with its environment, we could say that the first density is the raw material on which awareness acts in order to create.)
  • Food for the Moon (An allegory that the Moon feeds on organic life, on humanity. In this sense, humanity is food for the Moon.)
  • Fourth density (In the scale of densities, the fourth density is a mode of existence between physical and ethereal. There are many names for and presentations of the concept of graduation to fourth density. Fourth density also appears to be the level at which the higher echelons of the “matrix control system” function, thus its possible existence is important for the study of the deeper nature of the world.)
  • Fourth density service to self being (The term refers to beings of the density directly above the human level who manipulate humanity and other similar life forms for their own ends. These are the architects and ultimate controllers of the “matrix control system”, the “Moon” of Gurdjieff, the “Archons” of darkness of the Gnostics. Most of the UFO phenomenon originates with these forces.)
  • Graduation to fourth density (There appears to be a certain benchmark that a being must meet in order to pass from third density incarnations to fourth density ones. Additionally, it seems that in some cases this can take place while in the body. This benchmark is variously described but all descriptions raise more questions than they answer. We will look at diverse aspects mentioned by different sources below.)
  • Group transduction of energy (Groups of people represent different spiritual principles at different times.)
  • I Ching (The Book of Changes or the I Ching is among the oldest writings preserved to the present day.)
  • Kantek (The fifth planet of the solar system, destroyed over 80,000 years ago.)
  • Law of Confusion (A principle whereby a higher density service to others entity is prohibited from abridging the free will of lower density beings it communicates with.)
  • Logos (Word of God.)
  • Love (There is a bewildering range of meanings and connotations associated with love. The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge.)
  • Ouija board (A spirit board used to communicate with spirits or entities.)
  • Pleiadians (A group entity from the far future, channeled by Barbara Marciniak.)
  • Polarity (This term usually refers to whether one is of service to others or of service to self.)
  • Pole shift (A common theme in various predictions of Earth changes, the pole shift refers to more than the switching of the magnetic poles.)
  • Poltergeist (A “noisy ghost” that was responsible for any physical disturbances, such as objects being moved around and loud noises.)
  • Psychomantium (A specially set up darkened room used for skrying, or seeing spirits or other things outside of the normal sensory plane through the use of a mirror.)
  • Ra (The channeled entity of the Law of One books, channeled by Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim Mc Carthy in 1981-84.)
  • Second density (In the scale of densities, the second density corresponds to everything that grows biologically, up to the point where the emphasis in evolution shifts from the biological evolution of a species to the mental and spiritual evolution of distinct individuals.)
  • Service to others and service to self (The concepts of service to others (STO) and service to self (STS) are the central cornerstone of the teaching of first Ra and then the Cassiopaeans.)
  • Sex (Almost every imaginable claim has been made concerning sex, and it can be looked at from the angles of myth, mass culture, various esoteric teachings, etc.)
  • Sixth density (In the scale of densities, sixth density is the “native” state of being of the Cassiopaeans and Ra. Most crop circles are, according to the Cassiopaeans, produced by sixth density entities. Many so-called “wanderers” are souls whose home density is the sixth, but who have taken incarnation in human form for a specific mission. Sixth density also corresponds to the “names of God” of Sufism.)
  • Spinning (This is a moving meditation involving spinning around one’s vertical axis, with arms outstretched.)
  • Spirit attachment (A discarnate spirit has attached itself to a living individual’s body or energy field.)
  • Third density (In the scale of densities, the third density corresponds to living beings that have a degree of individual consciousness, corresponding free will (at least in potential) and attendant responsibilities. Unlike the animal which acts primarily according to the typical behavior of the species, the third density entity is thus accountable in terms of karma and soul evolution.)
  • The veil (That which separates man’s conscious from the subconscious.)
  • Walk-in (A spirit that takes over the life of a human in the middle of his/her life.)
  • Wanderer (A soul of fourth through sixth density who decides to incarnate in third density for a specific mission.)
  • You create your own reality (A common New Age belief that states that the things on which one concentrates one’s attention increase. By thinking about the positive, one is expected to experience same. In reality, the practice of deliberate subjectivity brings about anything but positive outcomes.)