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Boris Mouravieff is the author of the Gnosis “Gnosis (book trilogy)”) series, documenting the inner tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy.

The Gnosis books contain information substantially agreeing with Ouspensky’s In Search of the Miraculous. Further, Mouravieff presents some material not found in other 4th Way sources. Most important among them are the notions of the two races, Adamic and Pre-Adamic and the notion of the polar couple or polar opposites.

Mouravieff was a Russian emigrant living in Paris after fleeing the revolution. He knew Gurdjieff and Ouspensky personally but was not a pupil of either.

The Cassiopaeans validate the notion of the two races and generally authenticate Mouravieff’s recording of the tradition. The FOTCM sees Mouravieff as a documentation of tradition but not as a spiritual master like Gurdjieff.

The FOTCM advises the student to filter out Mouravieff’s own speculations from the body of valuable tradition he transmits. One example of Mouravieff’s personal gloss is his synarchic-leaning social commentary and thoughts on the esoteric role of specific personages of history.

Mouravieff’s treatment of centers, little ‘I’s, polarity, the film of life, the two races, bankruptcy, path of access and staircase is genuinely helpful additional material to the 4th Way classics of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.

Mouravieff is generally scholarly in tone and less shocking or abrasive than Gurdjieff or Ouspensky. Mouravieff is also more anchored in a purely Christian background and terminology than Gurdjieff or Ouspensky.

See also