Part of the Casswiki article series Matrix control system and Cassiopaean Experiment

The FOTCM uses the term damage control to describe the reaction of the control system to any disclosure that is unfavorable to it.

In general

To understand the concept, we must start with the premise that, in a service to self hierarchy, power is fundamentally predicated on controlling the beliefs and perceptions of the majority. To remain in control, an “elite” must suppress certain information, and above all certain perceptions triggered by the information.

Damage control is any public relations activity seeking to patch up damage done to the status quo by fresh information coming to public consciousness. Its methods are as diverse as those of manipulation in general. The phenomenon exists at different scales, from relationships between individuals and in small groups, to bigger organizations, to totalitarian regimes of all kinds – and finally the wider control system of the “consortium” (which in turn uses smaller players as tools).

Any groups successfully promulgating information threatening to upset the status quo must also be dealt with. Most often, this is done through the use of familiar COINTELPRO tactics. Beyond simply burying the threatening message in a stream of disinformation, attempts at co-option are common; and when co-option is not possible, persecution aiming to restrict activities, or even outright destruction, may follow. (When overtly hostile actions against a group are visible to the public, they are almost always accompanied by a justification designed to be accepted by the majority.)

The forms of damage control are always fluid. As with propaganda and disinformation in general, emotional triggering (for example through the use of paramoralisms) is however common. The phenomenon’s degree of subtlety is proportional to the audience’s capacity for discernment. Still, a poorly informed public in a state of constant fear or stress is the easiest to manipulate.



Damage control is, of course, ubiquitous in politics. As a relatively recent example, we may take the 9/11 truth movement. The Quantum Future Group published a flash presentation that obtained broad circulation on the Internet. The core message of the flash was to present evidence that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon; rather, the evidence was consistent with a smaller aircraft such as a drone or cruise missile hitting the building.

Shortly after this, many voices in the 9/11 truth movement started claiming that the ‘no Pentagon plane theory’ was a sly disinformation tactic aimed at causing internal strife in the 9/11 truth movement and associating this legitimate movement with half-baked fringe cookery. Hence the movement should defend itself by dissociating itself from the ‘no plane theory’ and concentrate on other aspects of 9/11. As it happens, the probably weakest link of the official 9/11 story is the absence of evidence of a crashed 757 in the early Pentagon photos. Again, damage control does generally not attack all points of a movement but rather concentrates on taking attention away from the strongest proposition of the movement to be countered. Also here we see a lot of playing on emotionally charged images.

Religious beliefs

Since religion is one of the principal means of consolidating power throughout history and it is specially threatened by contrary information or perception, we are bound to see much damage control for shoring up its public image. Demonization and persecution of the Cathars in the 12th and 13th centuries is a large scale example of damage control that led to major bloodshed, all in order to suppress a peaceful and spiritually oriented movement that became a challenger to the monopoly of the Catholic Church. Chances are that this damage control operation was carried out in order to suppress something close to older and more genuine teachings (which had been distorted for sociopolitical purposes to produce the accepted Christian religion), since they challenged the supremacy of the church’s power. However, people will not go on a crusade unless the would-be enemy is demonized first, hence all the allegations of infanticide, black magic, and so forth.

When questioning the doctrines of the mainstream churches and the historical veracity of the Bible became increasingly common over the 19th century, the foundations of the present New Age came into being in the form of Theosophy, increased interest in Oriental mysticism, spiritism and other occult movements. We could say that the ‘damage’ was that the intelligentsia no longer was content with old time religion as the paradigm and source of all answers. The damage control was the introduction of a flurry of spiritistic phenomena and movements, often fraudulent and of questionable integrity. This had the effect of discrediting by association much serious work concerned with these matters plus also introducing the idea of a synarchistic elite that the occultists of the early 20th century would develop further. Of course, seeing these movements as a sort of cosmic damage control operation aimed at patching up for the churches’ loss of exclusive spiritual authority presupposes a sort of control system operating behind the scenes. Much of the present work deals however with this likelihood.

Hyperdimensional reality

The “space brothers” meme in popular culture ever since the 1960’s could be seen as a damage control operation against the spreading serious interest in the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. We see here that damage control does not have to be compatible with facts, it is quite enough that it promotes a feeling of safety.

In more recent times, we see smaller scale damage control operations directed against the spreading awareness of a hyperdimensional control system, as exemplified by the Cassiopaean material. Many of the concepts, including the idea of [negative alien forces](Fourth density service to self being), have become almost mainstream, with plenty of channeled or other sources discussing these. Damage control does not necessary negate all the claims of what it seeks to suppress or confuse. It is often more effective to embrace most of the precepts and make only a few alterations. The idea for example that having an ‘open heart’ and ‘loving the aliens’ and ‘integrating the dark side’ be helpful in protecting oneself against same is quite sufficient for confusing the issue.

See also