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None Dare Call It Conspiracy is a book by journalist Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, original published in 1971, with a preface by U.S. Representative John G. Schmitz. The book presents a picture that the current Western political and economic systems are the result of a extensive conspiracy by a psychopathic elite (whom the book refers to as “Insiders”).

The first few chapters of this book prepares the readers into the discussion, following by a sobering look into historical information explaining the agendas of the forces behind-the-scenes refers to as “Insiders”. Shockingly, this book reveals how the “Insiders” became responsible for covertly organizing and then aiding the totalitarian Communist regimes in other countries. Allen goes further to explain how globalist philosophies which are being implemented leads to a similar uniform system of government to gradually be imposed on the entire world in a totalitarian New World Order.

As Laura Knight-Jadczyk writes in her Amazing Grace:

Everything in this book just slotted into place with the teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky that Man is [asleep](Waking sleep or confluence) and under the control of an [Evil Magician](Evil magician).

I realized that the Evil Magician was a metaphor, at least in part, for political and historical control systems. This realization was, once again, devastating to my illusions. As Gary Allen suggests, without any intelligent control, 50% of the time events would occur in social, cultural and political spheres leading to great benefit for all. Factoring in intelligent decisions to do good would bring this average up to about 70% of events. I could clearly see this wasn’t reflected in our reality. Man hasn’t stopped killing his brother; he has just developed more efficient and mechanical means of doing it.

Notable quotes

  • ”It must be remembered that the first job of any conspiracy, whether it be in politics, crime or within a business office, is to convince everyone else that no conspiracy exists. The conspirators’ success will be determined largely by their ability to do this."

  • "One thing which makes it so hard for some socially minded people to assess the conspiratorial evidence objectively is that the conspirators come from the very highest social strata. They are immensely wealthy, highly educated and extremely cultured. Many of them have lifelong reputations for philanthropy. Nobody enjoys being put in the position of accusing prominent people of conspiring to enslave their fellow Americans, but the facts are inescapable."

  • "The Insiders are counting on your being too preoccupied with your own problems or too lazy to fight back while the chains of slavery are being fastened on you. They are counting on their mass media to con you, frighten you, or ridicule you out of saving your freedom, and, most of all, they are counting on your thinking you can escape by not taking part in opposing their takeover.”

See also