Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans is a book by Malachi Martin, first published in 1976, which is a chilling and convincing account of possession and exorcism in modern America.

This book revealed the cases of five individuals possessed by demonic spirits, including their histories, the background of the exorcists, and the circumstances as to the possible causes of their possessions. These five cases are entitled “Zio’s Friend and the Smiler,” “Father Bones and Mister Natch,” “The Virgin and the Girl-Fixer,” “Uncle Ponto and the Mushroom-Souper,” and “The Rooster and the Tortoise.”

It is an essential reading to understand the dynamic involved and the effects of the “Presence” on the priests doing these exorcisms, and one can see some of the things that an entity(s) had done that can latch onto the parts of ourselves that we considered to be our Predator’s mind. Not only that, the circumstances and the backgrounds of both the exorcists and the possessed individuals revealed how much gap they had had in their knowledge base, which eventually and evidently “invites” these entities.

The FOTCM does not recommend this book to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses, which means a LOT of knowledge.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk once wrote about this book:[1]

I made it through all five [cases]; it took a long time because you can only read so much of it at a time without having to really just stop and recuperate. And then when you finally, you know, face something that is probably, you know, one-tenth, or one-twentieth, the magnitude of what Martin was talking about in these cases that he’s written about in his book, Hostage to the Devil, then you realize that there’s some things out there, there are entities of great power and great darkness, and they never sleep - and you ain’t as smart as they are. And don’t ever forget it. And anybody who walks through that door, you know, who comes to you and says, “Oh, I just have a little problem with self-esteem,” you know, could have one of those hanging around there at the end of a long grey cord, and, when you reel ‘em in, you just don’t know what you’re dealing with.

Further readings

See also


  1. Podcast 34: Channelling and Exorcism, Part 2; 28 Jan 2006.