Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

The ideas of matterization and spiritualization are derived from the Cassiopaean material and have to do with the ultimate destinations of the [service to self and service to others](Service to others and service to self) orientations, respectively.

The concepts is explained as follows: In creation, STS and STO are in approximate balance. STS tends towards subjugating all to itself and thus gathers into large chunks of acquired capital. STO balances by circulating energy and in general expands. There is no limit to this expansion since there is no limit to the self-knowledge of an infinite universe. This is spiritualization and creation.

The successful STS entity on the other hand undergoes a sort of collapse, reflected on the material plane by the idea of the black hole. It becomes so massive and so absorbing nothing gets out.

All balances in the end by the end product of STS coming out of the black hole state of ultimate accretion as primal matter in a next universe. This is consciousness literally transmuted to matter. This offers building blocks for the creation seeking, service to others side of creation. Creation without matter would be theory only, matter without creation would be forever inanimate and undifferentiated.

This is how the two forces tending towards spiritualization and matterization maintain a cycling universe. The concept is a metaphysical abstraction and cannot be verified one way of the other from our viewpoint.

See also