Part of the Casswiki article series Matrix control system and Politics and pathocracy

Generally, the term mind control refers to any means of exercising involuntary control over a person’s thought processes, emotions or opinions.

In general

The most pervasive forms of mind control are found in religion and society at large, for example in the rampant self-serving materialism of the present day, and in monotheistic religions and New Age teachings which promote passivity or otherwise tend to keep people serving the status quo. Thus for general purposes, specific technological tricks, such as subliminals and so forth, are not even needed, because traditional methods of propaganda and disinformation seem to work well enough. Once people have been fed a manufactured world view, cognitive dissonance keeps the majority from questioning the authorities.

The field is purposely confusing. The likely purpose of massive mind control at the societal scale probably encompasses the following:

  • Promoting general passivity and docility. Encouraging mindless consumerism, and anything else which satisfies the greed of psychopaths in positions of power, who crave money, status, and more power.
  • Having a ready-to-use pool of criminals and terrorists that can be activated in order to create chaos and thereby justify the establishing of a police state.
  • Counteracting any movements that might threaten the status quo. The latter may take several forms, from infiltration to personal attacks on selected figures to provocation or propaganda.

In specific cases, techniques like Greenbaum programming appear to be in use, but then the subjects are either secret operatives or trend setters and various mass-culture and/or counter-culture leaders. We must remember that most likely the powers that be play all sides of any apparent conflict. Proof is nearly impossible to obtain, but it is generally reasonable to expect that development has proceeded since the 1960’s and that the present level of accomplishment be higher than then.

Mind control does not involve a single technology or phenomenon. No particular method needs to be 100% effective in all subjects. Any practical case, on all scales, is likely to involve the joint use of multiple apparently unrelated techniques.

Extensive literature exists concerning all forms of mind control. Of course, one should expect to come principally across disinformation. The existence of the phenomenon is however well attested, even through official disclosures of the CIA’s Project MKUltra from the 1950’s. Since the 1960’s, US government agencies deny involvement in mind control research or applications.

Types of mind control

We can divide “mind control” into the following categories.


This includes any values hoisted on the subject by means of media or culture. Propaganda and propagandistic use of religion are examples. At a subtler level, the TV mass media culture is a form of mind control in its propagation of materialistic values. This may work through any medium. Psychological techniques such as NLP (neurolinguistic programming) are typical of this. Also appeal to group emotions such as fear of outsiders or identification with country are typical. The message is delivered by media and most of the subjects of ‘mind control’ do not come in personal contact with the controllers. This level of control seeks to frame what thoughts are possible and what thoughts will automatically be rejected or ridiculed.

Greenbaum, MKUltra and other programming

See Greenbaum, Project MKUltra

These forms of mind control are forcibly applied on selected subjects by specialized programmers. The general idea is to cause an artificial case of multiple personality disorder by forcing the mind to dissociate via extreme trauma. The dissociated fragments of personality can then be programmed by conditioning and hypnosis. These methods require much work on individual subjects and are aimed at producing secret operatives for participating in espionage, murder, diverse organized crime, prostitution etc. Such mind-controlled subjects may lead an apparently normal life and can be activated by post hypnotic triggers of various forms. Generally, an outside controller or “spy master” is needed for overseeing the operation of the mind control subject.


There is scientific evidence that various electromagnetic waves can influence the human mind. The type and magnitude of effect varies according to the frequency and intensity of signal. Frequencies at the extreme low end of the spectrum, around 10 Hz can resonate with the naturally occurring EM output of the brain and cause states of stress or relaxation. Properly pulsed microwave beams can be used to produce specific hallucinations, hearing voices, overriding motor control etc. Various patents exist concerning these technologies but research data in the public domain is scarce as one would expect.

These technologies can be applied at the individual or societal scales, and can be coupled with subliminal messages, i.e. signals whose intensity is too low to register consciously but which do register unconsciously. For example, EM signals can be used for delivering an auditory message that registers only subliminally. Also messages can be delivered to the subconscious by playing them at highly accelerated speeds, at the high end of the audible sound spectrum. The HAARP installation in Alaska is often associated with claims of electronic mass mind control. We note that different techniques and frequency ranges will be used for control of mood or alertness and delivery of specific messages.

There are theories that the cell phone infrastructure be used to carry electronic mind control messages or that the cell phone towers also contain separate transmitters used for such applications. This cannot be readily verified. What is at any rate likely is that the ubiquitous low-intensity microwave background coming from the cell phone network and other electronics itself have a long term harmful effect on mental functioning even without any specific mind control applications. The presence or absence of signals intended for mind control cannot be established without specific knowledge of what to look for and even then any such findings are likely not to be conclusive.

Satanic ritual abuse and alien abduction

The satanic ritual abuse and alien abduction phenomena may both be mixed with mind control. Mind control techniques may be used for creating cases of either and/or transforming cases of either into something else. One possibility to consider is that there is a general low-intensity EM mind control broadcast that some sensitive individuals pick up on and decode in their subconscious into either alien abduction or satanic ritual abuse scenarios, all according to the system of beliefs and frame of reference of the target. The messages would be decoded according to widespread cultural archetypes.

See also