Part of the Casswiki article series Books

On this page is the current list of books recommended by the FOTCM, with links to further information and overviews of the topics concerned. Currently, articles have been written about a portion of the books.

Some information is still only found in the old Recommended Books: List and Guide thread on the forum. For the old guide for delving into the material and related resources, see the second post (and those that follow).

For discussion of the recommended books (the list, this page, and other things about the project) and related topics, see the forum thread “Recommended Books: Discussion”. You’re welcome to participate!

Health and diet

See the article series Health and wellness for more on this general subject.


See the article series Psychology for some mixed coverage of psychological topics.

Narcissism “big five”

Cognitive and social psychology

Biological psychology and neuroscience

Developmental and personality psychology

  • Making Sense of People – Samuel Barondes
  • Personality-shaping through Positive Disintegration – Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  • Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration – Sal Mendaglio
  • Positive Disintegration (book) – Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  • Mental Growth Through Positive Disintegration – Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  • Psychoneurosis Is Not An Illness – Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  • The Dynamics of Concepts – Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  • Multilevelness of Emotional and Instinctive Functions – Kazimierz Dąbrowski

Other psychology

Psychopathy and ponerology

See the article series Ponerology and psychopathy for more on this general subject.

Social interaction and external considering

Fourth Way

See the article series Fourth Way and Cassiopaean Experiment for more on this general subject.

Other esoterica

See the article series Esoterica and Shamanism and archaic esotericism for more on this general subject.

Information theory, metaphysics, and evolution

  • Origin of Life: The 5th Option – Bryant M. Shiller
  • The Living Stream – Sir Alister Hardy
  • The Scars of Evolution – Elaine Morgan
  • Information and the Nature of Reality – Paul Davies and Niels Henrik Gregersen
  • Mind and Cosmos – Thomas Nagel

Politics and pathocracy

See the article series Politics and pathocracy for more on this general subject (but coverage is currently rather incomplete).


See the article series History for more on this general subject (but coverage is currently rather incomplete).

Hidden history

General history and historical method


Bible history

  • The Origins of Biblical Israel – Philip Davies
  • History and Ideology in Ancient Israel – Giovanni Garbini
  • The Mythic Past – Thomas L. Thompson
  • The Messiah Myth – Thomas L. Thompson
  • The Bible Unearthed – Neil Asher Silberman and Israel Finkelstein
  • David and Solomon – Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman
  • The Lost Gospel – Burton Mack
  • A Myth of Innocence – Burton Mack

UFOs and aliens

See the article series High Strangeness and Cassiopaean Experiment for more on this general subject.

Esotericism and parapsychology

See the article series Channeling and channeled material and High Strangeness for more on this general subject.
