According to the Cassiopaeans, Kantek was the fifth planet of the solar system. Over 80,000 years ago, the planet was destroyed and what we know as the asteroid belt now occupies its old orbit. Hundreds of millions of the inhabitants, the Kantekkians, were transported to Earth prior to the destruction. The stories indicate that there were two groups of Kantekkians. One group traveled to Earth using the technology of 4D STS rescuers, while the second group used the Merkabah, the mother stone, to transport themselves onto Earth.

The Kantekkians landed in the Caucasus and surrounding areas, the cradle of the Caucasian/Aryan race. It is said to be from this extraterrestrial gene pool that the Celts and Aryans originated. The Kantekkians are described as tall, blond and with Nordic features. The gene pool is said to be closer to the original Orion stock, and can be polarized either very strongly positive or very strongly negative. The C’s have indicated that all persons of Nordic heritage possess more potent power centers which can be utilized for either STO or STS. These power centers may relate to mtdna (the powerhouse of the cell), and tie into legends about ancient people being ‘radiant’.

These new arrivals are remembered in ancient legends and stories such as the Sons of Belial and the Sons of the Law of One. The many myths of tall Aryan types traveling around to places as far as India, China and South America, often with knowledge quite advanced in relation to the local populations, could also fit with the idea of an advanced racial group entering the world stage.

Looking for traces of them in ancient history, these two groups also left their mark on the archaeological record. They can be roughly divided into the circle people and the pyramid people, named for the types of construction they seemed to have preferred. The megaliths, circular labyrinths and spiral artwork are found mainly in the North. The pyramid cultures are located predominantly in the south, as in Egypt and Central America. .

The populations of the world in this day and age are now so thoroughly mixed that the bloodlines are no longer so clear cut.

Ra also discusses the subject of the former 5th planet under the name of Maldek.

For further discussion please see Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s article “Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols”.

See also