Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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The Eighth Tower: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum (non-US title: The Cosmic Question) is a book by John Keel, published in 1975, which is essentially a follow-up to the previous work, The Mothman Prophecies.

When Keel submitted his manuscript for The Mothman Prophecies to his publisher, they edited out around 50 pages. From those 50 pages and expanding on them, it became The Eighth Tower. In this book, he re-visited and concluded his discussion about high strangeness, including beams of light, voices from the heavens, the “little people”, gods and devils, ghosts and monsters, and UFOs as well as goes into the nature of the superspectrum and the science behind numerous paranormal phenomena.

The name of the book is close with the concept of the Control System

Further readings

See also