Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment, History, Matrix control system and Religion

In general, linear time refers to the concept of a time dimension which is strictly sequential and only moves forward. No branches or loops are permitted.

In the Cassiopaean material, this concept has specific connotations and meanings. Linear time is seen as one of the major building blocks of the [prison in which mankind finds itself](Matrix control system). This is reflected at the levels of man’s DNA, psychic makeup and culture.

The Cassiopaean channeled material proposes that man’s linear perception of time is a result of a truncation of man’s psychic capabilities, affected at the time of the fall of man. This circumstance is reflected in DNA. While this may be so, this is not directly verifiable. This is plausible in the sense that psychic abilities do seem to correlate with DNA, though. At any rate, the “built-in” tendency to linear perception of time and a strict notion of causality are psychic factors which tend to confine man in the prison of third density service to self.

At the level of culture, today’s dominant monotheistic religions all posit a notion of linear time, with an irrevocable “end of the world” and “final judgement” enacted by a severe god, without appeal or possibility of getting one’s life “right” next time.

The emergence of the dogma of linear time and final judgement seems to coincide with the emergence of a monotheistic male dominator deity.

At the present time, the use to which the monotheistic religions and their eschatology is put by the powers that be is glaringly obvious. We see the hand of the ‘hyperdimensional control system’ throughout history in its installing and utilizing the topic of final judgement as a control mechanism. All this hinges on the widespread acceptance of the dogma of linear time.

See also

Further reading