Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

In the Cassiopaean material, the term short wave cycle refers to a mode of evolving that involves reincarnation, while long wave cycle refers to a mode of evolution that takes place in a purely non-material state.

Present-day mankind experiences the short wave cycle. This involves a duality of experience: cycling between incarnate life on the one hand, and death followed by [the ‘contemplation zone’](Fifth density) on the other.

The incarnation phase of the short wave cycle involves more intense experience than existence under the long wave cycle. It also includes more suffering, which can catalyze more rapid development, or learning of the lessons in store for the soul. Related to this suffering, as humanity experiences it, is the fact of being locked into a [control system](Matrix control system) and being exploited as a resource – becoming ‘food for the Moon’ during incarnation.

According to the Cassiopaeans, at least a portion of present day humanity originally belonged to a group soul that decided to experience physical life for faster development. This first physical existence would have been different from the present one, as humanity was then aligned with fourth density [service to others](Service to others and service to self) beings. Humanity then experienced a second fall – the mythical fall of man – and ended up in the present physical world and condition, as a result of aligning with [fourth density service to self forces](Fourth density service to self being).

As a by-product of this, some second density (animal) life forms receive additional catalyst for development, even though this may take the form of being exploited by man, similarly to how man is exploited by fourth density service to self beings as a source of etheric nourishment.

See also