Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

In the Cassiopaea material, the Wave is a cyclic cosmic event, slated to take place on Earth in the near future. This is variously referred to as the transition to fourth density, the shift of the ages, the harvest, and by many other terms in many bodies of material.

The idea of a cosmic event taking place in the early 21st century has been seeping into increasingly general circulation ever since the late 19th century. George Gurdjieff, for instance, makes veiled references to such a thing when speaking of a time allotted for certain preparation to take place on Earth. Theosophists and Rudolf Steiner also allude to such a thing.

The Ra material (The Law of One) from the early 1980’s speaks of such an event in more detail, introducing the idea of a ‘planetary transition to fourth density.’ The Cassiopaean material, since 1994, picks up on the theme left by Ra and discusses the transition in more specifics.

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The FOTCM sees the Wave as a strong working hypothesis but does not claim to possess certainty on its validity or a formal definition of the concept.

The FOTCM’s interpretation of the concept could be outlined as follows: The universe involves different levels of being, each inhabited by entities suited to the level. Some of these levels are in part physical, such as the one which present day humanity inhabits. Natural processes cause the veil between these levels to periodically be thinned or breached, creating a sort of crossroads or conduit. This is a sort of superposition of many usually sealed levels of being.

Outside of the natural process, there are entities which use technology or psychic capabilities for passing between levels. The UFO phenomenon is one example of this. These levels are called densities in the Cassiopaean and Ra materials. Other sources use other names, for example cosmoses in the Fourth Way literature.

The degree of development of a consciousness determines which level of density is natural to it. For certain esoterically developed humans, their level of being approaches the level required for inhabiting the fourth density, a level of being with a radically different perception of space, time and physicality. The natural circumstance of the Wave, i.e. the narrowing of the natural gap between levels of density thus offers a possibility of passage to those that are ready. Hence the term “graduation” or “ascension”. Polarization to either service to others or service to self is usually seen as the central requirement for the passage.

This ties to the Fourth Way teaching in the sense that man must become a single, unambiguous entity before such a polarization even makes sense. Thus the Fourth Way work on the self is necessary in order to create a self that is solid and consistent enough to bridge the transition between densities.

The Wave is seen as a point of turbulence. The arrival of the Wave is seen as coinciding with various cataclysmic upheavals, both in terms of society and nature.

The Wave has been compared to a waterfall. The river runs placidly up to the brink, then plunges down as a very turbulent stream and again settles into a riverbed of relative stability. A swimmer cannot escape the river but may make adjustments of course for avoiding rocks at the bottom of the plunge if he is aware of these. Also possibilities of a phase change, i.e. evaporation are greater in the cloud of spray surrounding the fall.

Phase change, as in passage from solid to liquid to gaseous has been used as an analogy for shift of density. A small increment of energy causes qualitative changes in the substance and its properties.

In the waterfall analogy, we note that in order to survive the plunge, one must be solid. When applied to a group of beings, as well as to the multiple little ‘I’s of each individual, this means that these must be cohesive and aligned to a common purpose. The FOTCM uses the term co-linearity for this when speaking of a group. When speaking of an individual the term is fusion or having a real I. Failing this quality, one is likely to be ripped apart by the turbulence and not to preserve recognizable existence.

The FotCM suggests that in the specific volatile circumstances corresponding to the waterfall, the quality of observation contributed to the process by the participants may make a large change in the outcome. This outcome may involve passage between densities, for example. Another example may be a split in timelines, as in the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics. Thus persons embracing one mode of being may literally end up in a different reality than other persons.

The processes in question are not strictly physical, although physical chaos is one likely reflection of the wider process. The process is seen as a macrocosmic quantum jump, determined by conscious observation. Just like the observation event is needed to force a quantum system to a specific state, observation is needed to guide the events inside the Wave.

This is one reason for the FOTCM’s and Fourth Way Work’s emphasis on objectivity and clarity of understanding and work on forging a real “I”.

Polarization to a sufficient purity of service to others or service to self is not possible without knowledge of the world and a capacity for long term, unambiguous work. Still further, a group is needed to bring the requisite scope and consistency to the observation – at least in the case of STO development.

Failing to achieve a critical mass of STO-oriented consciousness in time for the Wave will likely cause the planet as a whole to remain in the hands of the present STS-oriented control system, divided into a third density and fourth density group, the latter feeding on the former, as has been the case throughout history. Essentially, this amounts to a re-run of Earth history, from the dawn of man up to present, until the next cyclic coming of the Wave.

According to the Cassiopaeans, the period of the cycle is about 309,000 years.

See also