Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

In the classic Greek cosmogony, the Universe is created from chaos. Chaos, the primal confusion is the raw material and then organization, or logos (an ordering principle) comes about and creates the Universe.

This mythic concept can be expressed in more modern terms: According to quantum physics, empty space is filled with constantly emerging and mutually annihilating virtual particles. The word zero-point energy means that the void is filled with all waves of all frequencies and phases, so that in the end the sum of them all is zero and thus they are not detectable and are evenly spread.

The idea of quantum tunneling is that since all parts of a system’s state are uncertain, mere probabilities until measured, there is, for any finite system, a finite probability that a certain state will be measured when the measurement is made. The sea of zero point contains all possible states. A specific moment of measurement may catch this in a specific state and thus something may emerge from apparently nothing.

Now we have the concept of measurement. What is measurement? There is debate on what exactly is measurement in the quantum physics sense. It seems that in order to meaningfully speak of measurement, the notion of consciousness is necessary.

Can the system be its own observer? Can the void measure itself? In the case of a Universe coming into being from chaos, maybe this is so. We cannot know directly. Many cosmologies, whether traditional or newer, tend to speak of a logos or creative thought that manifests creation from the substrate of possibilities. The terms vary a great deal. To mention a few, we have seventh density from Ra and the Cassiopaeans, logos from Christianity, Chaos from classic Greece, Brahman from the Vedas,

In all these ideas there seems to be a sort of auto-genesis. In the beginning there is one. Then, suddenly, there are many, often two or three.

The only way in which we can stop an infinite regress of creators and their creators is to posit that something came into being by itself. The notion of quantum tunneling out of the uncreated nothing is an idea in this direction but then the system would have to be its own observer. Self-consciousness may have to be a fundamental property of the Universe, for without consciousness there is no measurement and without measurement there is no definite state.

We get the idea that chaos and creation are in a way complementary opposites. In the case of a material Universe, we could say that one pole is inert, evenly distributed,, undifferentiated matter and the other pole is unlimited spirit. Their interplay is creation. In the words of the 4th Way Law of Three, matter is the passive force, spirit the active and the Universe observing itself is the reconciling force.

The Universe moves between a state of undifferentiation and all possibilities. The notion of self-observership is its guide. Now in a local context, we may speak of somewhat distinct observers and observed and of their interactions. We could say that the notion of creation is related to the notion of order because creation limits chaos, brings order into being.

At the human scale, we could say that knowledge, understood as a substantial correspondence between mental representation and external reality , is creative. This is so because it decreases overall chaos, i.e. entropy in the system. A system which knows itself Is less entropic than one which does not. Thus on the human scale, self-knowledge is off-hand linked to the idea of creation and creativity.

The more a system is volatile, i.e. chaotic, the greater the organizing power of measurement may be. Thus, for consciousness to significantly alter physical reality, the physical reality needs to become less settled. The FOTCM proposes that such windows exist and that the Wave is an example of such. One aspect of this however is that transition into a new state goes via a stage of turmoil. In the words of the Hindu cosmology, Shiva dances the world to its destruction and Vishnu recreates it. Chaos and creation complete each other and one is not without the other.

From the human perspective, one chooses, or at least has the possibility of choosing, which role one plays at each particular situation. It seems that the ideas pertaining to chaos and creation and order are reflected at all scales, as above so below.

See also