Part of the Casswiki article series History, Mythology and Shamanism and archaic esotericism

This distinction is introduced in Ancient Science and refers to an apparent split in social structure, religion, form of governance, architecture and art between different peoples of ancient history and prehistory.

The circle people are generally found at northern latitudes and are presumably the builders of the megalithic sites such as are found all over Western Europe. The circle people have not left evidence of large cities, central governance or large scale agriculture or records of commercial transactions. They have left works of art which are generally diverse and creative, not corresponding to any rigid single format. The circle is seen as a symbol of reciprocity and cooperation as opposed to the pyramid which is seen as a symbol of hierarchy.

The pyramid people are generally found further south and are marked by a legacy of monumental architecture, such as the Egyptian and Central American pyramids. The pyramid is seen as a symbol of hierarchy, with a broad base and a narrow apex. Also such construction bespeaks centralized government, pooling resources from a large area, with fixed settlements and ownership of land. The art of the pyramid peoples is often strictly formalized and allows little room for individual creativity, take the Egyptian style of carving for an example.

Secret History argues that both peoples are descendants of different factions of an older, lost civilization, such as Atlantis. Both peoples appear to have possessed remnants of science and technology radically different from the modern one. Both pyramids and megalith sites are devices utilizing a sort of spiritual technology of ancient times.

Since those times, the secrets of the original culture are long lost and the control system has used both peoples for its own ends. The worldwide rise of a male dominator deity and the co-option of the nature goddess worship of prehistoric peoples are extensively discussed in Secret History. See also the Grail series at the Cassiopaea site.

See also