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The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive is a tome by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, first published in 2005, and it was previously published as Ancient Science . This book is the first volume of The Secret History of the World series, followed by Comets and the Horns of Moses and Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection (by Pierre Lescaudron). This volume is a broad overview of the author’s research into mythology, archaeology, traditions and history, and it also deals with astronomy and evidence of ancient cataclysms. The thrust is to piece together a multidisciplinary view of human history and the falsification of same for purposes of control.

Central Topics

Reality as perceived by man is a slice of a broader, hyperdimensional reality, echoes of which are found in mythology, the UFO phenomenon, long-term trends of history, religion and politics. This broader reality, populated by various partly material beings in effect forms a control system which manifests to humanity through religion and other such influences. History consists of cycles. These cycles are marked by worldwide cataclysms that occur more or less periodically. Civilizations are also subject to cycles of growth and decay. We may see the human experience as a juxtaposition of loops within loops of essentially recurring themes.

The Grail mythos, legends of Greek antiquity and other persistent themes of myth are most probably echoes of earlier, forgotten seed events and peoples. These myths are a result of repeated historization of myth and mythization of history, yet they may hold clues to an actual ancient science and knowledge of nature that existed within a paradigm fundamentally different from that of today’s establishment science. Remnants of such knowledge can be seen in the megalithic sites of Europe, pyramids in various parts of the world and other artifacts. This knowledge concerns, among other things, the interface of this world to the hyperdimensional reality and how consciousness operates in relation to this interface. Legends of the Great Work of the alchemist, transformation and ascension are probably rooted in this knowledge.

There was a cultural takeover of the world around the beginning of present day recorded history, 4,000-6,000 BCE and earlier. This takeover consisted of replacing the archaic shamanism with formalized worship of a monotheistic deity. This led to further loss of the science of the ancients. Echoes of this takeover are seen to the present day, for instance in the claims to the state of Israel deriving from the Old Testament.

Various signs indicate that a natural cycle may be about to close. Rediscovering the true spiritual science, linking man to the hyperdimensional reality surrounding the Earth may become essential for breaking out of the repeating cycles of history for those who would move on to other lessons. A cosmic window of opportunity may be approaching for exercising a new choice. Secret History draws together a vast array of circumstantial evidence from a variety of fields and presents a compelling case for the fraudulent nature of much of the mainstream conception of history and religion.


The COINTELPRO is an important term for the readers to be aware of and Knight-Jadczyk has widely used this term throughout the book because the activities of COINTELPRO are currently misdirecting or corrupting the course of humanity. The term “COINTELPRO” stands for “Counterintelligence Program,” which is a “FBI’s secret program…set out to eliminate ‘radical’ political opposition inside the US [and it is also] a high level psychological operation specifically set up to vector ‘ideological’ trends - beliefs, etc”.[1] It is a latter purpose of COINTELPRO that is critical because it is set out to create a disinformation, also known as false information or lies, to be spread when certain people are set out to discover a ‘sensitive’ truth about a certain group or a hidden agenda. And, it is an expectation of COINTELPRO that people would believe in its disinformation and “go away”. This is especially true when people are seeking for the answers about unidentified flying objects, aliens, or any “paranormal” phenomena.

Knight-Jadczyk clarified this when she pointed out that:[2]

The COINTELPRO files show the U.S. Government targeted a very broad range of religious, labor and community groups opposed to any of its agendas, and it is only logical to assume that the same type of operation would be created to cover up the “alien agenda.” Such a theoretical COINTELPRO operation also goes far in explaining why, when the sincere researcher of UFO phenomena enters this field, he or she discovers only lies, lies, and more lies; confusion and disinformation. That is most definitely the signature of COINTELPRO.

With an understanding of COINTELPRO and its activities, the readers will see what is really happening in today’s world events. It is best for one to discern the true information from false information, especially when a disinformation that is being promoted by certain groups under the control of COINTELPRO. Sometime, when a push comes to a shove, this operation would do anything to achieve its goal.

The author stated that:[3]

The few professionals who spoke out against the hysteria [as promoted by religious fundamentalists] were systematically attacked and discredited by government agencies and private organizations…If they can’t corrupt you, they kill you, and if they can corrupt you, they still kill you so you won’t have a chance to change your mind and recant your recantation like Jacques de Molay did when the Templars were destroyed. Those who get close to the belly of the beast are generally subjected to a new “approach” it seems. And that approach is the biggest betrayal of all.

The COINTELPRO have a great number of “agents” inside Human Potential Movement or certain New Age groups, as well other respected organizations, whose goal is to instill stories of lies to the right individuals. The fact that we were unable to discover the full truth of either unidentified flying objects or any other worldwide paranormal phenomena is because the COINTELPRO was achieving its purpose daily.

Existence of the Hyperdimensional Reality

Knight-Jadczyk devoted a fourth chapter on this subject of the hyperdimensional reality, which is basically “the idea that the world in which we live was a ‘form’ or reflection, or ‘double’ of another cosmic world that existed on a higher level”.[4]

This concept is very important because it brought about an understanding of the nature of our reality to which our reality is a projection of a hyperdimensional reality. A basic understanding of this concept would most certainly change one’s perception of our reality, but it would not be fully comprehended by using our limited level of understanding. Is our reality an only reality or not? How many realities are there? Are we dreaming or are other people dreaming of us? Such questions would make our minds to be rendered as numbness. The hyperdimensional reality or hyperdimensional physic is a term used in the study of the quantum physic. The author also addressed the issue of “Time” or linear as relating to this concept:[5]

In our geometry we define a point as an infinitesimal section of a line. A line is an infinitesimal cross-section of a plane and a plane is an infinitesimal section of a solid. Thus, our three dimensional reality must be defined as a series of infinitesimal sections of a four dimensional body. Conceptually, this means that our entire reality is a section of a four-dimensional body - a realm of potential dimensions beyond three-dimensional contemplation.

Our reality is considered to be a linear reality where we would go in a straight line in time as well as in our thoughts. How we currently perceive time is part of a linear reality. However, a hyperdimensional reality does not involve this term of linear, and it may have a different mechanical workings of time. The author has also explored mathematical dimensions, dimensional thinking and the question of perceptions, and Einstein’s theories as part of understanding hyperdimensional reality in this chapter.

Discovery of Two Different Human Races

To describe the two distinct human races on Earth, the author has brought into this book the works of Boris Mouravieff, where “pre-adamic/adamic” concept is discovered, and of Fulcanelli on “Primitive Chiliasm”. In short, the adamic human race have a “full set of DNA” and is connected “to the higher centers in place and functioning,” while the pre-adamic human race “have no possibility of reaching the higher centers because DNA hardware isn’t in place”.[6] But, the problem is this: we cannot tell a pre-adamic bring apart from an adamic being at face value because they are intermixed and the way to tell them apart is a keen and long observation. The author elaborated on this:[7]

The DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same families. Your brother, sister, mother, father, daughter, or son. Not somebody “other” across the world or across the street worshipping a different god or with a different skin color. It may be somebody you live with every day of your life, and if so, they have but one reason to be here, to drain, distract and deflect souled [or adamic] being from evolving. And it is important also to note that this cannot be “conscious.” Such individuals are as little aware that they do NOT have “higher centers” as those who do except, perhaps, that the latter may feel something is “missing” in their lives.

Not everything is as what appears to be. The idea of two different races living among each other would surely shock the sleeping minds of the readers. It may be quite a challenge for one to ‘detect’ a pre-adamic being when observing other people. But, can we tell if we are pre-adamic beings ourselves? The author has further explained the difference between pre-adamic (or Organic Portals) and adamic races (or Souled Beings) and their place in our world in the fifth chapter of her book.

Why This Book is Important

There is a great number of research and literature being referenced and used in this book, and there are sixteen pages worth of bibliography. Using a scientific approach, she connected the dots, per se, in her years of broad research. And, because she filled her book with hard data and research, the author brought forth a great deal of information that she uncovered that may not have been known to a general public before. Whatever books that the public would generally read might not be entirely correct or accurate because some books would not have enough data to support their theories or hypothesis. For her book, Knight-Jadczyk backed up her thesis with solid evidence.

The Secret History of the World series

Further reading

See also


  1. Knight-Jadczyk, Laura. The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive, p. 8. Grande Praire: Red Pill Press, 2005.
  2. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 10-11.
  3. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 17, 19.
  4. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 123.
  5. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 125.
  6. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 154.
  7. Knight-Jadczyk. The Secret History of the World, p. 158.