Part of the Casswiki article series Channeling and channeled material

In Philosophy, logos defined as the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos. In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God’s medium of communication with the human race.

Gurdjieff uses the word “sacred Theomertmalogos” in the sense of the creative emanation of the Sun Absolute. All arises from this emanation. This is the first division of the unity into the first three forces.

Mouravieff uses the term “logos” in the Christian meaning of creative word of God, inseparable from God. This is at the root of the ray of creation.

Ra uses the word logos extensively. The term means firstly the All, or seventh density, a state from which all else is drawn. This single infinite logos fragments into sub-logoi which correspond to galaxies, then sub-sub-logoi which corresponds to stars. A planet could be a sub-sub-sub-logos. This is quite similar to the worlds of the 4th Way cosmology.

Each level of logos creates within its own scope. The solar level intelligence is for example responsible for creating biological lifeforms out of what materials may be available, says Ra.