Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment and Fourth Way

In Gnosis, Mouravieff introduces the concept of two races of humanity. These are respectively called Adamic and pre-Adamic man. The Cassiopaeans use the term “organic portal” to refer to a pre-Adamic man.

The difference between Adamic and pre-Adamic man is that pre-Adamic man does not have an individuated soul. In all other respects, pre-Adamic man is indistinguishable from Adamic man. Pre-Adamics do not have the so-called “higher centers”. If one attributes soul qualities to pre-Adamic man, one is seeing a reflection of another’s soul in the pre-Adamic and mistaking it for the individuated soul of the Adamic man.

In the natural state of matters, the pre-Adamic form would be an intermediate step between a species soul pool as exists in the animal kingdom and the fully individuated soul of an esoterically developed human. At the present time, however, fourth density service to self forces exploit pre-Adamic man as a tool, often for derailing attempts at esoteric work.

Pre-Adamic man is native to the present third density Earth and is not subject to the Biblical Fall of man. In a sense, pre-Adamics are even better suited to this world than Adamics, who carry a longing to a dimly remembered Edenic state.

The gene pool of humanity is so mixed that Adamics and pre-Adamics can coexist in the same families and no outward test can be used for determining the nature of any one person. Even if one possessed an individuated soul in potential, one would be little different from a similar pre-Adamic person until undertaking esoteric development.

Psychopaths are, according to the Cassiopaeans, “malfunctioning pre-Adamics.”

Further reading

  • [[Gnosis (book trilogy)|Gnosis (book trilogy)]]

See also


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