Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction is a comprehensive book by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, first published in 2OO4 by Red Pill Press, which conveys the ”big picture” regarding UFOs and the nature and role of ”aliens”. This book is an enlightening attempt to weave together the contradictory threads of religion, science, history, alien abduction, and the true nature of political conspiracies. With thorough research and a drive for the truth, the author strips away the facades of offcialc culture and opens doors to understanding our reality.

By using her detailed research on the Unidentified Flying Objects phenomenon based on the clues from her superluminal communication with the Cassiopaeans, Knight-Jadczyk wrote this book to bring the reader to see a unique perspective on the UFO phenomenon by offeringt the relevant information, detailed research, and the author’s experiences. There are four parts in the book with the additions of ”Foreword” and ”Author’s Letter to the Reader”. Throughout this work, there is a certain understanding about how certain hyperdimensional race have been interfering with our reality and their relationship with our world by looking brieflya at who are Cassiopaeans, the Lizards, and the Grays.

By experimental channeling with the various entities outside of our known physical reality, the author has finallyd discovered a group of entities outside of our time and space called the Cas- siopaeans in the summer of l994 as evident in the eighth chapter of Part One. The firstp part of the book revealed the author’s experiences leading up to the firstc contact with the Cassiopaeans. The Cassiopaeans revealed to be situated in the Sixth Density, which is considered to be a higher level of awareness, and human beings are 3rd Density beings. Densities are referred to aware- ness/consciousness energy levels. Knight-Jadczyk addressed more fully on the subject of dimensions and densities in the firstc chapter of Part Three.

Cassiopaeans also said: ”we are you in the future”, which brought about a great confusion as to what they really mean by that. There are several interpretations: they are communicating from the future if one is using a linear thinking, they are communicating from a higher level of awareness or ”higher consciousness” where we would likely to be at in the future, or they are communicating from the author’s subconscious mind.

If one is wondering how Cassiopaeans communication is any differentt from other channeled com- munications, a mathematical/theoretical physicist and the author’s husband, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, has called it the ”Critical Channeling” as he provided an explanation in the ”Afterword” of this book:

”The Cassiopaean channeling has characteristics of a scientifice experiment. (...) With scientifics standards in mind. The Cassiopaean channeling is Critical Channeling. It is in this respect that it is differentt from other channeling. And it will stay so. 

”The difference is in the approach.  We are searching for the truth.  Others who make unilateral statements that all channeling is crap are sure that they know it and would like to impose it on other people, or manipulate other people into believing what they say.  And naturally, when such individuals state such things, they claim that it comes from God or some equally authoritarian source, but when someone else dares to have a differentt way of findingt the truth, it is necessarily ’lOO% disinformation’ ad ’crap.’ 

”We try to share our thoughts, and when necessary, we are ready to learn and change. And that is what is most important. This attitude of being open.” 

Unlike other channeling communications, Knight-Jadczyk used her critical thinking and research skills to verify the claims from the Cassiopaeans instead of taking them at face value. The Cassiopaeans constantly encouraged the author as well many others to learn by discovery and through study, and they never give the ”answers” all at once as most of other channeling communication seemed to have done. In a sense, the Cassiopaean channeling was an inspiration for the author’s work.

The Cassiopaeans are what is considered to be STO or Service to Others. However, the Lizards or Reptilian beings are STS or Service to Self whom are from fourth density. The Lizards are what perceived to be as the ”bad guys” because, as evident in the book, they feed on the energies of the human beings rather than ”helping” the human race.

Additionally, the Grays are the ”aliens” that are commonly known in the eyewitness accounts worldwide. The Grays are ”cybergenetic probes and decoys created by the Reptoids” and they are considered to be ”soulless robots” for the Lizards. The author has discussed in length about the Grays in Part Three of her book.

It is important to note out that the Grays are the ”projections” of the Lizards. The Grays are not visitors from other planets as one would like to think, and they most certainly are not here to ”help us” or ”save us”. They are created solely for the Third Density realm by fourth density beings in order to abduct certain human beings, whom are nothing more than foods. The author tied together her hypothesis to bring about the most painful conclusion - the humanity is NOT on top of the food chain.

These 4th Density STS Beings manipulate and use humanity for their own ends - as a kind of (most of the time) energetic ”food”. Castaneda’s ideas of the Predator’s Mind and Gurdjieff’’s tale of the Evil Magician are good metaphors, along with the movie The Matrix.

See also