Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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Riding the Wave: The Truth and Lies About 2012 and Global Transformation is the first volume of The Wave series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, first appeared on the internet in late March of 2000 with the latest book revised publication in 2010.

In this volume with drawing on decades of research into history, religion, and the esoteric, the author first introduces the concept of “the Wave” to describe a macro-cosmic Quantum Wave Collapse that probably or possibly generate both a physical and a non-physical change to the Earth’s “cosmic environment” as theorized to come about soon in the future.

This first volume consists of nine chapters, with a serious foreword by Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Theoretical Physical/Mathematician, on the subject of Time Travel and Superluminal communications. Then, these nine chapters focuses on where the idea of “the Wave” came from, on multi-dimensional soul essences and “Dorothy, Oz and Kansas,” the C’s session out for the “test drive,” the perpendicular realities, animal psychology, on the Faces of God before ending the volume with the subject on the “window-fallers”.

The Wave series

See also