Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts, Volume 2: 1995 contains the complete transcripts of 51 Cassiopaean sessions conducted in 1995, published in 2015 by Red Pill Press.

Questions and answers have been annotated extensively by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, giving unprecedented insight into the background and interpersonal dynamics of the early Cassiopaea Experiment.

In this year, 1995, the dialog with the Cassiopaeans revolved around topics of “New Age” and historical disinformation, reincarnation and past lives, karma, soul evolution and the purpose of humanity, the “Golden Age” and ancient civilizations, weather and Earth changes, “The Wave” and coming turmoil on our planet, the “New World Order”, hidden government and the all-encompassing control system, higher “density” experience and the “fluid” nature of the UFO and alien phenomenon, time and the nature of our universe. Also, interspersed with these topics, the sessions of this year document the conflicting interests arising within the group undertaking the Cassiopaea Experiment and the struggle against sometimes obvious skewing of the information and attempted sidetracking of the communications.

See also