Part of the Casswiki article series Mythology

In Irish folk tradition, the Tuatha de Danaan are a mythical faery race that variously came by sea from the north, from the air on clouds or from the Atlantic. They invaded Ireland and were later defeated and driven underground, whence they sometimes appear to this day. It appears that the pre-Christian Celtic religion, along with the legend of the Tuatha de Danaan survived as folk stories to the present day. The various gods were superposed onto the legend of the Tuatha de Danaan as their tribal chiefs and heroes.

The Tuatha de Danaan are said to have four magical treasures, these being a cauldron, spear, stone and sword.

The Tuatha de Danaan are said to be descended from Danu, the Celtic mother goddess. They are said to be the pre-Celtic occupants of Ireland. Much specific information is found on the Internet and we will not reproduce it here. Instead we will suggest correspondences between this myth and other material covered in the FotCM research. The following is from the perspective of Secret History and other material by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

It is possible that the Greek civilization was civilized from the North. Information was carried via a complex route from a circular temple of Apollo in the North to Delos. This temple of Apollo may have been Stonehenge. The Celtic god Dagda corresponds closely to Apollo, to the point of having a lyre whose playing sets the seasons in order.

Also the treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan bear a resemblance to the fabled Grail ensemble, which we also encounter in the Caucasus.

In the Old Testament are mentions of the tribe of Dan having produced a masterful artisan, the archetype for the Masonic Hiram Abiff. Also the hero Perseus is the son of Dani. Also, the Achians of the Iliad have a group called Danaans.

The Tuatha de Danaan are described as not quite physical and not quite spirits. They are credited with voluntary invisibility and other psychic powers. These resemble the descriptions of “4th density” and the strangeness accompanying the UFO phenomenon. Also we may note the resemblance of Tuatha to Tuat, the ancient Egyptian “starry place”, realm of the gods.

We have here a complex joining Apollo, the Grail, mastery of physicality and space-time, Perseus, megalithic cultures and Celts. A large part of Secret History is dedicated to disentangling the threads of this complex.

One of the great enigmas is what ended the megalithic cultures. It may be that the departure of the Tuatha de Danaan to another plane of existence be a mythical echo of the megalithic cultures achieving something of the sort. The druids of the Roman times would be a sort of survival of this but still represent something much more recent than the builders of the megalithic sites.

See also