Part of the Casswiki article series Books

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The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts, Volume 1: 1994 contains the complete transcripts of 36 Cassiopaean) sessions conducted in 1994, published in 2014 by Red Pill Press.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk has revisited the transcripts from 1994 and extensively annotated questions and answers in more than 450 footnotes, giving unprecedented insight into the background and interpersonal dynamics of the early Cassiopaea Experiment, and comparing certain statements and predictions of the C’s with what she has learnt ever since. In addition, to provide even more important context, with the help of a custom computer program, the editors have included more than 230 footnotes which point to the location where session excerpts are discussed in detail in Knight-Jadczyk’s other books, including The Wave Series, High Strangeness, Amazing Grace and The Secret History of the World.

See also