Part of the Casswiki article series Matrix control system and Politics and pathocracy

The term “New World Order” refers to a “new” order where a shadowy organization of elites control the destiny of the common man. It is in essence, an end to class struggle as a minority group controls the majority.

Formerly, the term was generally used by United States citizens to describe a fear of being under the control of the United Nations. However, it seems that the converse has occurred.

The origins of the term are cloudy. HG Wells wrote a book titled The New World Order in 1940, theorizing what would occur after World War II. Strangely enough, the machinations were already occurring. For example: the wheels of finance in motion between the Axis and Allied sides via the Swiss Bank of International Settlements!

The term has also been used by certain Christian groups to stir up an underlying fear of a “one world religion” which seems to be a “sign” of the NWO.

We observe that the “New World Order” is merely the Old World Order in new clothes. The minority has ruled the majority, whether as monarchy, oligarchy, or “democracy”, for all of history.

See also