Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment, Channeling and channeled material and Esoterica

Based on esoteric tradition and the clues from the Cassiopaean material, it appears that groups of people represent different spiritual principles at different times.

Rudolf Steiner, for example, speaks of racial and ethnic spirits, which would be akin to the species soul pools that are said to exist in the animal kingdom.

Boris Mouravieff speaks of esoteric roles being played by different peoples at different times. The concept is however problematic due to the constant possibility of the idea being hijacked to promote a nationalistic or racistic agenda.

However, there is reason to think that a group embodying common values can have an overall effect on the state of the planet. This may be as well for increased consciousness than for increased chaos.

Jesus says that whenever two of you get together and ask in my name it shall be given. Ra says that the power of the asking is proportional to two to the power of the number of people asking. Gurdjieff emphatically states that only a group can escape. The Cassiopaeans encourage people to combine energies. The idea of a group being significant is near ubiquitous.

There is of course the question of what constitutes a group. Are two people praying for the same thing really praying for the same thing? This is so only if they understand the same things, at least in relation to the prayer. But this hardly occurs outside of the circle of esoteric work.

Thus, the effects of groups are limited because they lack the quality of forming a group in the esoteric sense.

Therefore, when groups do have significant effect, very large numbers of people are involved in organizations involving little individual consciousness, as in the case of armies or mass movements. In these cases, the group, as spiritually incohesive as it may be, is hijacked to support a narrow clique’s purpose. There too the group amplifies something but it amplifies unconsciousness for itself and it amplifies the manipulator’s purposes for the manipulator. . It does not however amplify either very efficiently, hence large numbers are required. The rise of Nazism is a classic example.

If a nation does serve a purpose for some higher force, most likely this is not for the nation’s benefit, no matter what promises of chosenness the ‘god’ in question may make. Indeed, history is rife of entire nations being ‘[fed to the Moon](Food for the Moon).’ It may be that the nation is quite literally a prisoner of the spirit which corresponds to it, specifically in the case of ‘[organic portals](Organic portal).’ However, one of the spiritual functions of the human level of development is for the individual to individuate and acquire an individuated soul and free will, escaping the General Law and entering under the Law of Exception where such unconscious bondage no longer holds.

Now for a group to transduce energy in the sense meant by the sources above, the group needs to be coherent. But this does not mean group thinking or following a singular leader. The other possibility is that if the group cultivates objectivity, the group’s members will come to all see the same thing. This is the meaning of the idea that at the esoteric stage one cannot both understand and disagree.

Groups transduce energies in all cases but the manner, efficiency and energy may be very different.

See also