Part of the Casswiki article series Natural science

This term was introduced by Wilhelm Reich and refers to a subtle form of energy that acts as a sort of organizing principle for natural phenomena. Orgone cannot be measured or converted into other forms of energy and is said not to be subject to entropy, even to have negative entropy.

Reich came across orgon is his studies of orgasm in the 1920’s. Indeed, according to Reich, this fundamental form of energy is apparent in the human only in conjunction with orgasm. This energy does however penetrate the whole organism and environment and its effects are not limited to the field of sexual activity, quite the contrary. Orgasm is however the only situation where the energy is separately distinguishable.

Orgone energy is of two basic variants, positive and negative. The positive orgone is life sustaining and the negative orgone contributes to death and decay of organisms. Orgone interacts differently with different materials, thus it is possible to build ‘orgone accumulators,’ containers with walls consisting of layers of materials such as metal and wool in specific layers. These are said to attract or draw orgone from the environment. Such devices can then be used for therapeutic applications, as in replenishing the orgone field of living beings.

The cloud buster is another application of orgon. Clouds are said to contain orgone energy, which may be channeled from the cloud into water, preferably flowing water, using a device consisting of tubes of a special material connected to flowing water. This can reportedly dissolve clouds and produce other atmospheric effects. Many people have experimented with these methods with varying results, plenty of information can be found on the Internet.

In Reich’s thinking, extraction of positive orgone and dumping of negative orgone by external beings from space was a form of exploitation of Earth and humanity.

We may probably connect the idea of orgon energy to the table of hydrogens of Gurdjieff. If orgone is manifested in humans in the context of orgasm, then orgone would probably be of the order of H12, Si12 in specific. This is a non-material, intelligent energy of a specific type. H12 is not specifically related to sex any more than orgone is, however. For humans however, the only unconsciously produced H12 is the sexual Si12. Other energies of the degree of H12 may exist in nature as parts of processes and octaves which have nothing to do with humans or sex, however. This would be the case of atmospheric orgon, which according to Reich controls condensation of clouds and other atmospheric phenomena. The Cassiopaea material notes that conflicts in fourth density may be seen as weather anomalies in third density. This indirectly suggests that energies of fourth density, or higher hydrogens if we wish to call them such, can interact with atmospheric phenomena. We may not think of these in terms of physical energies such as heat or kinetic energy but rather as principles which subtly order otherwise chaotic processes. Reich suggests that extraction of orgone leads for example to desertification.

Orgone would be a part of the same order of energies that were liberated by sexual activity or intense emotion and were consumed by fourth density beings. There is certain commonality of content between all three sources although the details and contexts vary.

We should not confuse orgone energy and Reich’s researches with any form of sex magic or such practices.

See also