Part of the Casswiki article series New Age and Channeling and channeled material

“You create your own reality” (or in short, YCYOR) is a common New Age belief that states that the things on which one concentrates one’s attention increase. By thinking about the positive, one is expected to experience same.

The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind (FOTCM) sees the matter very differently, acknowledging that reality and consciousness interact but not in the way generally promulgated by the New Age movement.

In quantum physics, the state of a system is expressed as probabilities up to a point of measurement. The measurement and the measured are inseparable in a sense. There is debate on what exactly constitutes measurement but for the purposes of this discussion, we could say that ultimately a conscious witness is necessary, even if the measurement takes place through a mechanical device.

The FOTCM applies this same idea to events at the human and cosmic scales. The quality of the observation influences the quality of the observed. In practical terms, the more clear or objective an observation is, the more the observer-observed system is ordered. If observation is heavily biased and does not agree with the reality, the system consisting of observer and observed is disordered and contradictory. The FOTCM postulates that the manner in which masses of humanity observe their reality and what beliefs they hold about this reality influence the same reality. The more subjective the seeing, the more disordered the reality. A large scale example of this is the belief of many Americans in the demonstrable lies of their government. The belief being in contradiction with facts contributes to chaos. In this way, perceptions can influence reality.

The degree to which the quality of observation influences reality varies according to circumstance. The world goes through periods of stability and predictability, interrupted by brief phases of chaotic change. This is a natural process. The effect of the quality of observation on reality is greatest at moments of fluidity or chaos, where a small impulse can precipitate a large outcome.

The FOTCM postulates that this is the reason why a certain critical mass of esoterically developed people is required at times of chaotic change. If the structure of space-time itself is in flux, the quality of observation brought by an esoterically evolved group can form a sort of crystallization core or pattern for a new reality.

The FOTCM does not subscribe to practices of magic or imposing one’s will on reality by visualization or such techniques. These are considered as deliberate subjectivity, which if it has any effect at all is only likely to add to the psychic entropy and chaos of the environment. Creative action which contributes to increased order in the universe needs to be based on an objective reading of the universe, not on contradicting this universe.

See also

  • Why You Don’t Create Your Own Reality – an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms (An article by Michael Topper which takes a critical look at the YCYOR belief.)
  • Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO (An article by Laura Knight-Jadczyk which among other things takes a critical look at the idea of YCYOR and its track record. More broadly, it brings up the problem of deliberately manufactured disinformation and distraction – a practice employed by governments to keep the population dumb, in the dark, and manageable. It also describes the importance of objectivity as understood from a quantum-theoretical point of view.)