Part of the Casswiki article series Channeling and channeled material

In general, a spirit attachment means that a discarnate spirit has attached itself to a living individual’s body or energy field. Spirit attachment is unfortunately extremely common and usually goes unnoticed. According to Bill Baldwin, 70% to 100% of the world population has a spirit attachment. And, from her experience, Laura Knight-Jadczyk never had a single client who didn’t have spirit attachments.

The symptoms of a spirit attachment varies depends on a spirit, usually habits or attitudes that seem to be “unnatural” for a living person to exhibit.

Knight-Jadczyk pointed out the number one problem for why spirits attach themselves to living people is the ignorance of death: they don’t know how to die. They don’t know what really happens after death and the reason why they don’t know this is because of religion, which is the number one barrier to dying properly and doing what is natural and designed by nature or the cosmos to do after a person have died. The vast majority of the discarnate spirits have no idea what death is since the society, our culture, doesn’t deal with it in a proper scientific way, and it should be dealt with scientifically.

What makes an individual vulnerable to spirit attachment? Knight-Jadczyk discussed about this a great deal in a number of her Knowledge and Being video series, where just being a human being makes one vulnerable to spirit attachments due to a familiar frequency match with a family member or a friend or a stranger. In a case of the latter, it’s usually a number of type of bonds shared between the dying and the living that create an “opening” of frequency contact. For an example, Knight-Jadczyk shared a case of a client who witnessed an automobile accident and felt sorry for the stranger, who was in the process of dying. A result of this sympathy bond is an attachment since there was no line drawn during a spiritual process that was taking place. Knight-Jadczyk encourages an act of mental blocking in a case like this where an understanding that a spirit is leaving a physical body and should not to reach out to it.

The childhood is the most vulnerable period for attracting spirits for any number of reasons, mostly the spirits’ sympathetic feelings for a child. A child’s “spirit self” is not fully seated or formed as the interface/connection between the spirit self and the genetic body is not completed. There are many physiological processes that exemplifies the vulnerability of a small child, and these are not completed and can be interrupted. These can act as points of frequency contact for spirit attachments. It is mandatory to keep any child away from any “channeling” activity.

Also, any process that makes the body vulnerable to physical issues can be reflected in the “as below, so above/as above, so below” maxim, including a mercury contamination and vaccines, that can become an “attractor” for spirit attachments.

A spirit release therapy is one of the recommended ways to remove attachments from oneself. The crucial point overall is to change one’s frequency in order to encourage spirits to leave. For an example, we would stop feeding those behaviors that are, essentially, “bugs” in the universal program, and align ourselves more, over time, to those that are aligned with universal purpose. Knowledge is the greatest ally in this, as by gaining knowledge and working on ourselves, our frequency changes, and there will come a point where we no longer be “tasty” enough for the attachments to stick around.

A excerpt from one of the C’s sessions best described how one can work on removing attachments:[1]

Q: (L) Is it possible to do spirit release on yourself?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) How might one go about it if one were to even attempt such an outlandish thing? [laughter]

A: First one needs to identify the entities and various parameters surrounding the situation. This is best done via meditation or dream work, or even viewing and intuitive feedback by another who is sensitive. Once the situation is understood, one can then appeal to the entity or utilize various applications of discipline. Keep in mind that the matter of will and discipline are paramount in spiritual hygiene.

Q: (Perceval) It brings back that idea - I don’t know where I heard it first - that for spirit release, if you’ve got attachments, they basically hang on to you if there’s something that they get out of it. So basically, you stop doing what it is that attracts them: bad habits, bad attitudes, programs…

(L) And then they leave.

(Perceval) That’s SRT.

(Chu) Focusing too much on doing auto-SRT is actually focusing on yourself. But if you just do the Work basically, they’ll leave.

(L) Pretty much.

(Chu) So why even think about doing auto-SRT?

(L) Well, I think it’s useful to know the parameters and things. It’s helpful for some people - I know it was for me - to know that the health issue I had was from an attachment. That was helpful to me. And then, I began to apply discipline. I mean, I knew that “Twisted Sister” was in there! [laughter] And I was gonna do EVERYTHING that she HATED!! And every time she made my shoulder hurt, I just kept doing whatever it was that made it hurt. I remember the instant that she left. It was like electricity flying through my body. It was like being struck by lightning. There was this flash of light in my head, and the energy went from one arm across my shoulders, and out the other one. And that was it. In that moment, I was actively disciplining myself by forcing myself to swim in spite of the excruciating pain that I was experiencing. For me, it was excruciatingly painful to move my arm like that. It was like screaming pain, and I just kept doing it… stroke after stroke after stroke. And I was even talking in my head saying, “Alright, witch! Take that one! I am NOT stopping!” And I was saying this sort of thing in my head. I was having this conversation. Finally, it was like, “You might as well just give up, because I am never giving up!” And that’s when it left. It’s kind of an auto-spirit release. So, having a little identification of what’s going on is helpful. Like if you have an alcoholism problem, or gambling, or whatever.

(Chu) Yeah but what I’m saying is you can leave it as an option, like yeah, maybe I have this pain because of an attachment. But the key point is to discipline yourself whether there is an attachment or a program or whatever.

(L) It’s true that if there’s some part of you, some aspect, some habit, or whatever. This is what Gurdjieff talks about. How many of those “many I’s” that he talks about are attachments? And his method was this discipline, this self-observation, the struggle between “yes” and “no” leading to giving birth to the Real I, and having it become the fused master. How do we know that wasn’t a kind of SRT? Let’s ask that question. Was Gurdjieff’s method also beneficial for eliminating spirit attachments?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As I just described, more or less, that by acts of will and discipline and observing and all of those things, that the fusing of the real self and the discipline that that requires means that there is no longer a frequency match for the attachments? Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) I think SRT is useful from a conceptual point of view, like, “This isn’t really me!” It may not actually me that’s thinking or acting this way.

(L) You begin to talk to it.

(Perceval) Otherwise you might tend to think that your natural traits are you. So, to have that idea that it may not be me and it might be an external influence is useful.

(L) It’s very useful.

(Perceval) As a motivator, ya know?

(L) Like I talked to this pain. If you have a habit, or if you have a characteristic, talk to it! Isolate it, and talk to it. “YOU are not in charge here!”

(Perceval) Is it very much the same as in real life when you hear about people falling in with a bad crowd? Like drinking buddies, and he drinks because they drink, etc… But when he decides he doesn’t want to do that anymore, they go away; they don’t want to hang out with him anymore. So, that’s a parallel with real life. But as soon as you stop doing it, they don’t want to be your friend anymore. You’re not in the gang anymore. They leave you.

A: Exactly!

Q: (PoB) So it basically doesn’t matter if it’s a spirit attachment, or it’s the false personality, or a parent’s voice directing you… What it is, you fight the same way with everything.

(L) Yeah, I think so. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, what can people be doing… I mean…

(Perceval) Work on their programs. They can call their programs attachments if they want. Doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you’re working on it. You can say it’s an ingrained habit I got from my parents, or it’s an attachment. Either way…

(Chu) I want to change it because it’s not me.

(L) It’s not who I really am. It’s not who I really want to be, so it has to go!

(Pierre) What was interesting in the example you gave is that you identified this pain as something external. In most cases, the more you force body pain, the more painful it becomes. But here, you went through the first step the C’s described: identifying. You knew that’s not normal.

(L) Yeah, because clearly there are cases where if you have pain, you need to lay down and you need to rest. You need to wear a brace or something. Not all pain would be the way mine was. So, the useful thing here was to be able to identify that, to know that what it was was this attachment. Well, of course there was some actual injury that was involved with it, but it had been long enough for the injury to heal, but the pain persisted.

(Perceval) I think part of the problem with SRT is that it’s very appealing to people who decide that maybe all of their issues are attachments, and all it takes is a couple of phone calls to get rid of it and essentially deal with all of the issues. In other words, supplanting the idea of Work on the self with a couple of phone calls, and then “I’m clean! I’m done!” That’s the draw of this kind of SRT work; it’s a phone call. How easy is that? Someone else does it for you, supposedly.

(L) I think it’s a useful thing IF somebody is involved in the Work, and IF they continue working and they apply the discipline that is necessary before, during, and after to change their frequency. And that’s what’s important about asking the attached entity “when did you come? What was I doing? How was I vulnerable?” To get that kind of information…

(Pierre) You identify the frequency, or he personality state that it is the attractor…

(L) Yeah, and that’s the useful thing. I think that’s why they said that if you need SRT, you need to find the parameters.

(Perceval) It’s almost like by definition, if you have an attachment, then you also have an issue that needs to be worked on. Just getting rid of the attachment doesn’t get rid of the issue. Say you were being morose or moody or whatever, and then some attachment comes along. Just because the attachment goes away, doesn’t mean the issue is gone. You already had the issue that drew in the attachment in the first place. So, just getting rid of the attachment doesn’t fix the issue. You also have to continue to work on yourself.

The following books are recommended for the reader to know more about the spirit attachments:

Further information

See also


  1. Session 16 August 2014