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Et tu, Judas? Then Fall Jesus! is a short book by Gary Courtney, first published in 1992, which presents a case that the Jesus Christ of the New Testament is an mythological personage and how he fits the accurate description of Julius Caesar.

From Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s review on Amazon:

I, too, came to the idea that Julius Caesar was the Christ that was worshiped all over the empire before the time of the Jewish Rebellion and the possible writing or re-writing of the texts of the NT by, or following, the Flavian emperors (with the help of Josephus). When I came to this idea, after a long study of the Roman Empire and pulling on certain threads, I was actually afraid to say anything about it to anyone. So, to say that I am thankful that there are at least a couple others who have come to the same conclusion is heartening. (See also the work of Francisco Carotta: Jesus was Caesar.

I’ve spent many years researching New Testament criticism looking for the answer and all the time, it was staring everyone right in the face. Based on those studies, I can tell the reader that Courtney’s book condenses thousands of books and papers on the topic into less than 200 pages. That, itself, is a brilliant feat - almost a miracle!

Not only has he condensed the best scholarly work on the Bible, he has done it entertainingly and with excellent examples and logical progressions. He writes for everyman, thank goodness! Reading the same material written by most scholars in their jargon (designed to keep out the uninitiated) can make you go cross-eyed.

I highly, HIGHLY, recommend this book to everyone. Humanity has been subjected to a 2000 year long deception of history; it’s time for the real hero of humanity to get the credit he deserves. After all the material and lies about him are waded through, Julius Caesar shines forth as the greatest man in the history of Western Civilization, bar none.

See also