Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

In the Cassiopaea material, there are frequent references to “Orions”. The name encompasses various groups of “aliens” of 4th density and higher.

In most situations, the name refers to STS beings of diverse types, “grays”, “lizzies” and “Nordics”. There are also STO oriented 4th and higher density beings called Orions or members of the Orion Federation but these are discussed less since the overwhelming majority of all alien or UFO activity which concerns humanity is of the STS variety.

Most often, “Orion STS” refers to 4th density beings that are the supervisors of the “lizards” and “grays”. These are said to look like Nordic humans.

In the Cassiopaea material, the term “Orion” refers to an area of space including several thousand stars, among them our sun. In this area are several thousand centers of population of various types in various densities.

See also