Part of the Casswiki article series Cassiopaean Experiment

“All there is is lessons,” state the Cassiopaeans throughout the material. The universe is one great school, everything learns, even inanimate matter. All perceptions, all laws of nature, all beings exist so that the infinite universe as a whole and the constituent parts would learn.

Learning entails first hand, applicable awareness. Not every being may have every conceivable experience but all beings together, in the infinite creation which is One, tend to produce all experience that is possible as defined by the structure of each level of the school.

Having assimilated lessons of a specific level prepares one for the next level. Anticipating lessons of a future level does not necessarily have this effect, although a questing spirit is a great catalyst for learning. The outcome of lessons is knowledge that one can call one’s own, knowledge one has worked for and has had some possibility of applying or seeing in practice.

When thinking of lessons we must allow for individual differences in lesson profile. There is no single description of curriculum, at least not expressed in terms of individual actions or tests. Karma may determine specific lessons to be faced by an individual. Assuming that all individuals come to the same conclusions or pass through the same lessons is unrealistic and goes contrary to the purpose of third density, which after all is individuation and metaphysical choice. The diversity of individual lessons and life paths does not signify that the understandings acquired were not ultimately converging towards applied manifestation of service to others or service to self.

On one hand, the school of Earth can be said to produce a mass commodity of experience, the “food for the moon,” a sort of psychic nourishment for 4D STS. Producing food for the moon takes place through mechanical suffering and repeatedly visiting every pleasure or calamity offered by the planet. Thorough experience of this is not what causes one to assimilate the lesson. Indeed, we could say that repeated experiencing of the cycle rather proves that one has not learned the lesson.

The other produce of the school could be said to be individuals with knowledge allowing navigation through the school on an intentional path. Depending on the direction, different experiences will be necessary or superfluous, so we still cannot produce any external checklist or cheat sheet.

It is said that an intelligent person learns from his mistakes but a genius learns from those of others. The principle of networking may offer a shared path of learning but then again such learning is only as good as its practical application and the value and credence given it by the learner. A group that is both united in purpose and diverse in its makeup can be a great asset for learning but even there problems of the “confusion of tongues” may occur.

See also